// generatedy by JSX compiler 0.9.89 (2014-05-20 06:01:03 +0900; 8e8c6105f36f3dfe440ea026a3c93a3444977102) var JSX = {}; (function (JSX) { /** * extends the class */ function $__jsx_extend(derivations, base) { var ctor = function () {}; ctor.prototype = base.prototype; var proto = new ctor(); for (var i in derivations) { derivations[i].prototype = proto; } } /** * copies the implementations from source interface to target */ function $__jsx_merge_interface(target, source) { for (var k in source.prototype) if (source.prototype.hasOwnProperty(k)) target.prototype[k] = source.prototype[k]; } /** * defers the initialization of the property */ function $__jsx_lazy_init(obj, prop, func) { function reset(obj, prop, value) { delete obj[prop]; obj[prop] = value; return value; } Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { get: function () { return reset(obj, prop, func()); }, set: function (v) { reset(obj, prop, v); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } var $__jsx_imul = Math.imul; if (typeof $__jsx_imul === "undefined") { $__jsx_imul = function (a, b) { var ah = (a >>> 16) & 0xffff; var al = a & 0xffff; var bh = (b >>> 16) & 0xffff; var bl = b & 0xffff; return ((al * bl) + (((ah * bl + al * bh) << 16) >>> 0)|0); }; } /** * fused int-ops with side-effects */ function $__jsx_ipadd(o, p, r) { return o[p] = (o[p] + r) | 0; } function $__jsx_ipsub(o, p, r) { return o[p] = (o[p] - r) | 0; } function $__jsx_ipmul(o, p, r) { return o[p] = $__jsx_imul(o[p], r); } function $__jsx_ipdiv(o, p, r) { return o[p] = (o[p] / r) | 0; } function $__jsx_ipmod(o, p, r) { return o[p] = (o[p] % r) | 0; } function $__jsx_ippostinc(o, p) { var v = o[p]; o[p] = (v + 1) | 0; return v; } function $__jsx_ippostdec(o, p) { var v = o[p]; o[p] = (v - 1) | 0; return v; } /** * non-inlined version of Array#each */ function $__jsx_forEach(o, f) { var l = o.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) f(o[i]); } /* * global functions, renamed to avoid conflict with local variable names */ var $__jsx_parseInt = parseInt; var $__jsx_parseFloat = parseFloat; function $__jsx_isNaN(n) { return n !== n; } var $__jsx_isFinite = isFinite; var $__jsx_encodeURIComponent = encodeURIComponent; var $__jsx_decodeURIComponent = decodeURIComponent; var $__jsx_encodeURI = encodeURI; var $__jsx_decodeURI = decodeURI; var $__jsx_ObjectToString = Object.prototype.toString; var $__jsx_ObjectHasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; /* * profiler object, initialized afterwards */ function $__jsx_profiler() { } /* * public interface to JSX code */ JSX.require = function (path) { var m = $__jsx_classMap[path]; return m !== undefined ? m : null; }; JSX.profilerIsRunning = function () { return $__jsx_profiler.getResults != null; }; JSX.getProfileResults = function () { return ($__jsx_profiler.getResults || function () { return {}; })(); }; JSX.postProfileResults = function (url, cb) { if ($__jsx_profiler.postResults == null) throw new Error("profiler has not been turned on"); return $__jsx_profiler.postResults(url, cb); }; JSX.resetProfileResults = function () { if ($__jsx_profiler.resetResults == null) throw new Error("profiler has not been turned on"); return $__jsx_profiler.resetResults(); }; JSX.DEBUG = false; var GeneratorFunction$0 = (function () { try { return Function('import {GeneratorFunction} from "std:iteration"; return GeneratorFunction')(); } catch (e) { return function GeneratorFunction () {}; } })(); var __jsx_generator_object$0 = (function () { function __jsx_generator_object() { this.__next = 0; this.__loop = null; this.__seed = null; this.__value = undefined; this.__status = 0; // SUSPENDED: 0, ACTIVE: 1, DEAD: 2 } __jsx_generator_object.prototype.next = function (seed) { switch (this.__status) { case 0: this.__status = 1; this.__seed = seed; // go next! this.__loop(this.__next); var done = false; if (this.__next != -1) { this.__status = 0; } else { this.__status = 2; done = true; } return { value: this.__value, done: done }; case 1: throw new Error("Generator is already running"); case 2: throw new Error("Generator is already finished"); default: throw new Error("Unexpected generator internal state"); } }; return __jsx_generator_object; }()); function Among(s, substring_i, result) { this.s_size = s.length; this.s = s; this.substring_i = substring_i; this.result = result; this.method = null; this.instance = null; }; function Among$0(s, substring_i, result, method, instance) { this.s_size = s.length; this.s = s; this.substring_i = substring_i; this.result = result; this.method = method; this.instance = instance; }; $__jsx_extend([Among, Among$0], Object); function Stemmer() { }; $__jsx_extend([Stemmer], Object); function BaseStemmer() { var current$0; var cursor$0; var limit$0; this.cache = ({ }); current$0 = this.current = ""; cursor$0 = this.cursor = 0; limit$0 = this.limit = current$0.length; this.limit_backward = 0; this.bra = cursor$0; this.ket = limit$0; }; $__jsx_extend([BaseStemmer], Stemmer); BaseStemmer.prototype.setCurrent$S = function (value) { var current$0; var cursor$0; var limit$0; current$0 = this.current = value; cursor$0 = this.cursor = 0; limit$0 = this.limit = current$0.length; this.limit_backward = 0; this.bra = cursor$0; this.ket = limit$0; }; function BaseStemmer$setCurrent$LBaseStemmer$S($this, value) { var current$0; var cursor$0; var limit$0; current$0 = $this.current = value; cursor$0 = $this.cursor = 0; limit$0 = $this.limit = current$0.length; $this.limit_backward = 0; $this.bra = cursor$0; $this.ket = limit$0; }; BaseStemmer.setCurrent$LBaseStemmer$S = BaseStemmer$setCurrent$LBaseStemmer$S; BaseStemmer.prototype.getCurrent$ = function () { return this.current; }; function BaseStemmer$getCurrent$LBaseStemmer$($this) { return $this.current; }; BaseStemmer.getCurrent$LBaseStemmer$ = BaseStemmer$getCurrent$LBaseStemmer$; BaseStemmer.prototype.copy_from$LBaseStemmer$ = function (other) { this.current = other.current; this.cursor = other.cursor; this.limit = other.limit; this.limit_backward = other.limit_backward; this.bra = other.bra; this.ket = other.ket; }; function BaseStemmer$copy_from$LBaseStemmer$LBaseStemmer$($this, other) { $this.current = other.current; $this.cursor = other.cursor; $this.limit = other.limit; $this.limit_backward = other.limit_backward; $this.bra = other.bra; $this.ket = other.ket; }; BaseStemmer.copy_from$LBaseStemmer$LBaseStemmer$ = BaseStemmer$copy_from$LBaseStemmer$LBaseStemmer$; BaseStemmer.prototype.in_grouping$AIII = function (s, min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if (this.cursor >= this.limit) { return false; } ch = this.current.charCodeAt(this.cursor); if (ch > max || ch < min) { return false; } ch -= min; if ((s[ch >>> 3] & 0x1 << (ch & 0x7)) === 0) { return false; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = this.cursor, this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; }; function BaseStemmer$in_grouping$LBaseStemmer$AIII($this, s, min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if ($this.cursor >= $this.limit) { return false; } ch = $this.current.charCodeAt($this.cursor); if (ch > max || ch < min) { return false; } ch -= min; if ((s[ch >>> 3] & 0x1 << (ch & 0x7)) === 0) { return false; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = $this.cursor, $this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; }; BaseStemmer.in_grouping$LBaseStemmer$AIII = BaseStemmer$in_grouping$LBaseStemmer$AIII; BaseStemmer.prototype.in_grouping_b$AIII = function (s, min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if (this.cursor <= this.limit_backward) { return false; } ch = this.current.charCodeAt(this.cursor - 1); if (ch > max || ch < min) { return false; } ch -= min; if ((s[ch >>> 3] & 0x1 << (ch & 0x7)) === 0) { return false; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = this.cursor, this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t - 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; }; function BaseStemmer$in_grouping_b$LBaseStemmer$AIII($this, s, min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if ($this.cursor <= $this.limit_backward) { return false; } ch = $this.current.charCodeAt($this.cursor - 1); if (ch > max || ch < min) { return false; } ch -= min; if ((s[ch >>> 3] & 0x1 << (ch & 0x7)) === 0) { return false; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = $this.cursor, $this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t - 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; }; BaseStemmer.in_grouping_b$LBaseStemmer$AIII = BaseStemmer$in_grouping_b$LBaseStemmer$AIII; BaseStemmer.prototype.out_grouping$AIII = function (s, min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if (this.cursor >= this.limit) { return false; } ch = this.current.charCodeAt(this.cursor); if (ch > max || ch < min) { ($__jsx_postinc_t = this.cursor, this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; } ch -= min; if ((s[ch >>> 3] & 0X1 << (ch & 0x7)) === 0) { ($__jsx_postinc_t = this.cursor, this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; } return false; }; function BaseStemmer$out_grouping$LBaseStemmer$AIII($this, s, min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if ($this.cursor >= $this.limit) { return false; } ch = $this.current.charCodeAt($this.cursor); if (ch > max || ch < min) { ($__jsx_postinc_t = $this.cursor, $this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; } ch -= min; if ((s[ch >>> 3] & 0X1 << (ch & 0x7)) === 0) { ($__jsx_postinc_t = $this.cursor, $this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; } return false; }; BaseStemmer.out_grouping$LBaseStemmer$AIII = BaseStemmer$out_grouping$LBaseStemmer$AIII; BaseStemmer.prototype.out_grouping_b$AIII = function (s, min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if (this.cursor <= this.limit_backward) { return false; } ch = this.current.charCodeAt(this.cursor - 1); if (ch > max || ch < min) { ($__jsx_postinc_t = this.cursor, this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t - 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; } ch -= min; if ((s[ch >>> 3] & 0x1 << (ch & 0x7)) === 0) { ($__jsx_postinc_t = this.cursor, this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t - 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; } return false; }; function BaseStemmer$out_grouping_b$LBaseStemmer$AIII($this, s, min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if ($this.cursor <= $this.limit_backward) { return false; } ch = $this.current.charCodeAt($this.cursor - 1); if (ch > max || ch < min) { ($__jsx_postinc_t = $this.cursor, $this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t - 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; } ch -= min; if ((s[ch >>> 3] & 0x1 << (ch & 0x7)) === 0) { ($__jsx_postinc_t = $this.cursor, $this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t - 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; } return false; }; BaseStemmer.out_grouping_b$LBaseStemmer$AIII = BaseStemmer$out_grouping_b$LBaseStemmer$AIII; BaseStemmer.prototype.in_range$II = function (min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if (this.cursor >= this.limit) { return false; } ch = this.current.charCodeAt(this.cursor); if (ch > max || ch < min) { return false; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = this.cursor, this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; }; function BaseStemmer$in_range$LBaseStemmer$II($this, min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if ($this.cursor >= $this.limit) { return false; } ch = $this.current.charCodeAt($this.cursor); if (ch > max || ch < min) { return false; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = $this.cursor, $this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; }; BaseStemmer.in_range$LBaseStemmer$II = BaseStemmer$in_range$LBaseStemmer$II; BaseStemmer.prototype.in_range_b$II = function (min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if (this.cursor <= this.limit_backward) { return false; } ch = this.current.charCodeAt(this.cursor - 1); if (ch > max || ch < min) { return false; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = this.cursor, this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t - 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; }; function BaseStemmer$in_range_b$LBaseStemmer$II($this, min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if ($this.cursor <= $this.limit_backward) { return false; } ch = $this.current.charCodeAt($this.cursor - 1); if (ch > max || ch < min) { return false; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = $this.cursor, $this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t - 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; }; BaseStemmer.in_range_b$LBaseStemmer$II = BaseStemmer$in_range_b$LBaseStemmer$II; BaseStemmer.prototype.out_range$II = function (min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if (this.cursor >= this.limit) { return false; } ch = this.current.charCodeAt(this.cursor); if (! (ch > max || ch < min)) { return false; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = this.cursor, this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; }; function BaseStemmer$out_range$LBaseStemmer$II($this, min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if ($this.cursor >= $this.limit) { return false; } ch = $this.current.charCodeAt($this.cursor); if (! (ch > max || ch < min)) { return false; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = $this.cursor, $this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; }; BaseStemmer.out_range$LBaseStemmer$II = BaseStemmer$out_range$LBaseStemmer$II; BaseStemmer.prototype.out_range_b$II = function (min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if (this.cursor <= this.limit_backward) { return false; } ch = this.current.charCodeAt(this.cursor - 1); if (! (ch > max || ch < min)) { return false; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = this.cursor, this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t - 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; }; function BaseStemmer$out_range_b$LBaseStemmer$II($this, min, max) { var ch; var $__jsx_postinc_t; if ($this.cursor <= $this.limit_backward) { return false; } ch = $this.current.charCodeAt($this.cursor - 1); if (! (ch > max || ch < min)) { return false; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = $this.cursor, $this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t - 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); return true; }; BaseStemmer.out_range_b$LBaseStemmer$II = BaseStemmer$out_range_b$LBaseStemmer$II; BaseStemmer.prototype.eq_s$IS = function (s_size, s) { var cursor$0; if (((this.limit - this.cursor) | 0) < s_size) { return false; } if (this.current.slice(cursor$0 = this.cursor, ((cursor$0 + s_size) | 0)) !== s) { return false; } this.cursor = (this.cursor + s_size) | 0; return true; }; function BaseStemmer$eq_s$LBaseStemmer$IS($this, s_size, s) { var cursor$0; if ((($this.limit - $this.cursor) | 0) < s_size) { return false; } if ($this.current.slice(cursor$0 = $this.cursor, ((cursor$0 + s_size) | 0)) !== s) { return false; } $this.cursor = ($this.cursor + s_size) | 0; return true; }; BaseStemmer.eq_s$LBaseStemmer$IS = BaseStemmer$eq_s$LBaseStemmer$IS; BaseStemmer.prototype.eq_s_b$IS = function (s_size, s) { var cursor$0; if (((this.cursor - this.limit_backward) | 0) < s_size) { return false; } if (this.current.slice((((cursor$0 = this.cursor) - s_size) | 0), cursor$0) !== s) { return false; } this.cursor = (this.cursor - s_size) | 0; return true; }; function BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS($this, s_size, s) { var cursor$0; if ((($this.cursor - $this.limit_backward) | 0) < s_size) { return false; } if ($this.current.slice((((cursor$0 = $this.cursor) - s_size) | 0), cursor$0) !== s) { return false; } $this.cursor = ($this.cursor - s_size) | 0; return true; }; BaseStemmer.eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS = BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS; BaseStemmer.prototype.eq_v$S = function (s) { return BaseStemmer$eq_s$LBaseStemmer$IS(this, s.length, s); }; function BaseStemmer$eq_v$LBaseStemmer$S($this, s) { return BaseStemmer$eq_s$LBaseStemmer$IS($this, s.length, s); }; BaseStemmer.eq_v$LBaseStemmer$S = BaseStemmer$eq_v$LBaseStemmer$S; BaseStemmer.prototype.eq_v_b$S = function (s) { return BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS(this, s.length, s); }; function BaseStemmer$eq_v_b$LBaseStemmer$S($this, s) { return BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS($this, s.length, s); }; BaseStemmer.eq_v_b$LBaseStemmer$S = BaseStemmer$eq_v_b$LBaseStemmer$S; BaseStemmer.prototype.find_among$ALAmong$I = function (v, v_size) { var i; var j; var c; var l; var common_i; var common_j; var first_key_inspected; var k; var diff; var common; var w; var i2; var res; i = 0; j = v_size; c = this.cursor; l = this.limit; common_i = 0; common_j = 0; first_key_inspected = false; while (true) { k = i + (j - i >>> 1); diff = 0; common = (common_i < common_j ? common_i : common_j); w = v[k]; for (i2 = common; i2 < w.s_size; i2++) { if (c + common === l) { diff = -1; break; } diff = this.current.charCodeAt(c + common) - w.s.charCodeAt(i2); if (diff !== 0) { break; } common++; } if (diff < 0) { j = k; common_j = common; } else { i = k; common_i = common; } if (j - i <= 1) { if (i > 0) { break; } if (j === i) { break; } if (first_key_inspected) { break; } first_key_inspected = true; } } while (true) { w = v[i]; if (common_i >= w.s_size) { this.cursor = (c + w.s_size | 0); if (w.method == null) { return w.result; } res = w.method(w.instance); this.cursor = (c + w.s_size | 0); if (res) { return w.result; } } i = w.substring_i; if (i < 0) { return 0; } } return -1; }; function BaseStemmer$find_among$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I($this, v, v_size) { var i; var j; var c; var l; var common_i; var common_j; var first_key_inspected; var k; var diff; var common; var w; var i2; var res; i = 0; j = v_size; c = $this.cursor; l = $this.limit; common_i = 0; common_j = 0; first_key_inspected = false; while (true) { k = i + (j - i >>> 1); diff = 0; common = (common_i < common_j ? common_i : common_j); w = v[k]; for (i2 = common; i2 < w.s_size; i2++) { if (c + common === l) { diff = -1; break; } diff = $this.current.charCodeAt(c + common) - w.s.charCodeAt(i2); if (diff !== 0) { break; } common++; } if (diff < 0) { j = k; common_j = common; } else { i = k; common_i = common; } if (j - i <= 1) { if (i > 0) { break; } if (j === i) { break; } if (first_key_inspected) { break; } first_key_inspected = true; } } while (true) { w = v[i]; if (common_i >= w.s_size) { $this.cursor = (c + w.s_size | 0); if (w.method == null) { return w.result; } res = w.method(w.instance); $this.cursor = (c + w.s_size | 0); if (res) { return w.result; } } i = w.substring_i; if (i < 0) { return 0; } } return -1; }; BaseStemmer.find_among$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I = BaseStemmer$find_among$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I; BaseStemmer.prototype.find_among_b$ALAmong$I = function (v, v_size) { var i; var j; var c; var lb; var common_i; var common_j; var first_key_inspected; var k; var diff; var common; var w; var i2; var res; i = 0; j = v_size; c = this.cursor; lb = this.limit_backward; common_i = 0; common_j = 0; first_key_inspected = false; while (true) { k = i + (j - i >> 1); diff = 0; common = (common_i < common_j ? common_i : common_j); w = v[k]; for (i2 = w.s_size - 1 - common; i2 >= 0; i2--) { if (c - common === lb) { diff = -1; break; } diff = this.current.charCodeAt(c - 1 - common) - w.s.charCodeAt(i2); if (diff !== 0) { break; } common++; } if (diff < 0) { j = k; common_j = common; } else { i = k; common_i = common; } if (j - i <= 1) { if (i > 0) { break; } if (j === i) { break; } if (first_key_inspected) { break; } first_key_inspected = true; } } while (true) { w = v[i]; if (common_i >= w.s_size) { this.cursor = (c - w.s_size | 0); if (w.method == null) { return w.result; } res = w.method(this); this.cursor = (c - w.s_size | 0); if (res) { return w.result; } } i = w.substring_i; if (i < 0) { return 0; } } return -1; }; function BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I($this, v, v_size) { var i; var j; var c; var lb; var common_i; var common_j; var first_key_inspected; var k; var diff; var common; var w; var i2; var res; i = 0; j = v_size; c = $this.cursor; lb = $this.limit_backward; common_i = 0; common_j = 0; first_key_inspected = false; while (true) { k = i + (j - i >> 1); diff = 0; common = (common_i < common_j ? common_i : common_j); w = v[k]; for (i2 = w.s_size - 1 - common; i2 >= 0; i2--) { if (c - common === lb) { diff = -1; break; } diff = $this.current.charCodeAt(c - 1 - common) - w.s.charCodeAt(i2); if (diff !== 0) { break; } common++; } if (diff < 0) { j = k; common_j = common; } else { i = k; common_i = common; } if (j - i <= 1) { if (i > 0) { break; } if (j === i) { break; } if (first_key_inspected) { break; } first_key_inspected = true; } } while (true) { w = v[i]; if (common_i >= w.s_size) { $this.cursor = (c - w.s_size | 0); if (w.method == null) { return w.result; } res = w.method($this); $this.cursor = (c - w.s_size | 0); if (res) { return w.result; } } i = w.substring_i; if (i < 0) { return 0; } } return -1; }; BaseStemmer.find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I; BaseStemmer.prototype.replace_s$IIS = function (c_bra, c_ket, s) { var adjustment; adjustment = ((s.length - (((c_ket - c_bra) | 0))) | 0); this.current = this.current.slice(0, c_bra) + s + this.current.slice(c_ket); this.limit = (this.limit + adjustment) | 0; if (this.cursor >= c_ket) { this.cursor = (this.cursor + adjustment) | 0; } else if (this.cursor > c_bra) { this.cursor = c_bra; } return (adjustment | 0); }; function BaseStemmer$replace_s$LBaseStemmer$IIS($this, c_bra, c_ket, s) { var adjustment; adjustment = ((s.length - (((c_ket - c_bra) | 0))) | 0); $this.current = $this.current.slice(0, c_bra) + s + $this.current.slice(c_ket); $this.limit = ($this.limit + adjustment) | 0; if ($this.cursor >= c_ket) { $this.cursor = ($this.cursor + adjustment) | 0; } else if ($this.cursor > c_bra) { $this.cursor = c_bra; } return (adjustment | 0); }; BaseStemmer.replace_s$LBaseStemmer$IIS = BaseStemmer$replace_s$LBaseStemmer$IIS; BaseStemmer.prototype.slice_check$ = function () { var bra$0; var ket$0; var limit$0; return ((bra$0 = this.bra) < 0 || bra$0 > (ket$0 = this.ket) || ket$0 > (limit$0 = this.limit) || limit$0 > this.current.length ? false : true); }; function BaseStemmer$slice_check$LBaseStemmer$($this) { var bra$0; var ket$0; var limit$0; return ((bra$0 = $this.bra) < 0 || bra$0 > (ket$0 = $this.ket) || ket$0 > (limit$0 = $this.limit) || limit$0 > $this.current.length ? false : true); }; BaseStemmer.slice_check$LBaseStemmer$ = BaseStemmer$slice_check$LBaseStemmer$; BaseStemmer.prototype.slice_from$S = function (s) { var result; var bra$0; var ket$0; var limit$0; result = false; if ((bra$0 = this.bra) < 0 || bra$0 > (ket$0 = this.ket) || ket$0 > (limit$0 = this.limit) || limit$0 > this.current.length ? false : true) { BaseStemmer$replace_s$LBaseStemmer$IIS(this, this.bra, this.ket, s); result = true; } return result; }; function BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, s) { var result; var bra$0; var ket$0; var limit$0; result = false; if ((bra$0 = $this.bra) < 0 || bra$0 > (ket$0 = $this.ket) || ket$0 > (limit$0 = $this.limit) || limit$0 > $this.current.length ? false : true) { BaseStemmer$replace_s$LBaseStemmer$IIS($this, $this.bra, $this.ket, s); result = true; } return result; }; BaseStemmer.slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S = BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S; BaseStemmer.prototype.slice_del$ = function () { return BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, ""); }; function BaseStemmer$slice_del$LBaseStemmer$($this) { return BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, ""); }; BaseStemmer.slice_del$LBaseStemmer$ = BaseStemmer$slice_del$LBaseStemmer$; BaseStemmer.prototype.insert$IIS = function (c_bra, c_ket, s) { var adjustment; adjustment = BaseStemmer$replace_s$LBaseStemmer$IIS(this, c_bra, c_ket, s); if (c_bra <= this.bra) { this.bra = (this.bra + adjustment) | 0; } if (c_bra <= this.ket) { this.ket = (this.ket + adjustment) | 0; } }; function BaseStemmer$insert$LBaseStemmer$IIS($this, c_bra, c_ket, s) { var adjustment; adjustment = BaseStemmer$replace_s$LBaseStemmer$IIS($this, c_bra, c_ket, s); if (c_bra <= $this.bra) { $this.bra = ($this.bra + adjustment) | 0; } if (c_bra <= $this.ket) { $this.ket = ($this.ket + adjustment) | 0; } }; BaseStemmer.insert$LBaseStemmer$IIS = BaseStemmer$insert$LBaseStemmer$IIS; BaseStemmer.prototype.slice_to$S = function (s) { var result; var bra$0; var ket$0; var limit$0; result = ''; if ((bra$0 = this.bra) < 0 || bra$0 > (ket$0 = this.ket) || ket$0 > (limit$0 = this.limit) || limit$0 > this.current.length ? false : true) { result = this.current.slice(this.bra, this.ket); } return result; }; function BaseStemmer$slice_to$LBaseStemmer$S($this, s) { var result; var bra$0; var ket$0; var limit$0; result = ''; if ((bra$0 = $this.bra) < 0 || bra$0 > (ket$0 = $this.ket) || ket$0 > (limit$0 = $this.limit) || limit$0 > $this.current.length ? false : true) { result = $this.current.slice($this.bra, $this.ket); } return result; }; BaseStemmer.slice_to$LBaseStemmer$S = BaseStemmer$slice_to$LBaseStemmer$S; BaseStemmer.prototype.assign_to$S = function (s) { return this.current.slice(0, this.limit); }; function BaseStemmer$assign_to$LBaseStemmer$S($this, s) { return $this.current.slice(0, $this.limit); }; BaseStemmer.assign_to$LBaseStemmer$S = BaseStemmer$assign_to$LBaseStemmer$S; BaseStemmer.prototype.stem$ = function () { return false; }; BaseStemmer.prototype.stemWord$S = function (word) { var result; var current$0; var cursor$0; var limit$0; result = this.cache['.' + word]; if (result == null) { current$0 = this.current = word; cursor$0 = this.cursor = 0; limit$0 = this.limit = current$0.length; this.limit_backward = 0; this.bra = cursor$0; this.ket = limit$0; this.stem$(); result = this.current; this.cache['.' + word] = result; } return result; }; BaseStemmer.prototype.stemWord = BaseStemmer.prototype.stemWord$S; BaseStemmer.prototype.stemWords$AS = function (words) { var results; var i; var word; var result; var current$0; var cursor$0; var limit$0; results = [ ]; for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { word = words[i]; result = this.cache['.' + word]; if (result == null) { current$0 = this.current = word; cursor$0 = this.cursor = 0; limit$0 = this.limit = current$0.length; this.limit_backward = 0; this.bra = cursor$0; this.ket = limit$0; this.stem$(); result = this.current; this.cache['.' + word] = result; } results.push(result); } return results; }; BaseStemmer.prototype.stemWords = BaseStemmer.prototype.stemWords$AS; function RussianStemmer() { BaseStemmer.call(this); this.I_p2 = 0; this.I_pV = 0; }; $__jsx_extend([RussianStemmer], BaseStemmer); RussianStemmer.prototype.copy_from$LRussianStemmer$ = function (other) { this.I_p2 = other.I_p2; this.I_pV = other.I_pV; BaseStemmer$copy_from$LBaseStemmer$LBaseStemmer$(this, other); }; RussianStemmer.prototype.copy_from = RussianStemmer.prototype.copy_from$LRussianStemmer$; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_mark_regions$ = function () { var v_1; var lab0; var lab2; var lab4; var lab6; var lab8; var limit$0; var $__jsx_postinc_t; this.I_pV = limit$0 = this.limit; this.I_p2 = limit$0; v_1 = this.cursor; lab0 = true; lab0: while (lab0 === true) { lab0 = false; golab1: while (true) { lab2 = true; lab2: while (lab2 === true) { lab2 = false; if (! BaseStemmer$in_grouping$LBaseStemmer$AIII(this, RussianStemmer.g_v, 1072, 1103)) { break lab2; } break golab1; } if (this.cursor >= this.limit) { break lab0; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = this.cursor, this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); } this.I_pV = this.cursor; golab3: while (true) { lab4 = true; lab4: while (lab4 === true) { lab4 = false; if (! BaseStemmer$out_grouping$LBaseStemmer$AIII(this, RussianStemmer.g_v, 1072, 1103)) { break lab4; } break golab3; } if (this.cursor >= this.limit) { break lab0; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = this.cursor, this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); } golab5: while (true) { lab6 = true; lab6: while (lab6 === true) { lab6 = false; if (! BaseStemmer$in_grouping$LBaseStemmer$AIII(this, RussianStemmer.g_v, 1072, 1103)) { break lab6; } break golab5; } if (this.cursor >= this.limit) { break lab0; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = this.cursor, this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); } golab7: while (true) { lab8 = true; lab8: while (lab8 === true) { lab8 = false; if (! BaseStemmer$out_grouping$LBaseStemmer$AIII(this, RussianStemmer.g_v, 1072, 1103)) { break lab8; } break golab7; } if (this.cursor >= this.limit) { break lab0; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = this.cursor, this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); } this.I_p2 = this.cursor; } this.cursor = v_1; return true; }; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_mark_regions = RussianStemmer.prototype.r_mark_regions$; function RussianStemmer$r_mark_regions$LRussianStemmer$($this) { var v_1; var lab0; var lab2; var lab4; var lab6; var lab8; var limit$0; var $__jsx_postinc_t; $this.I_pV = limit$0 = $this.limit; $this.I_p2 = limit$0; v_1 = $this.cursor; lab0 = true; lab0: while (lab0 === true) { lab0 = false; golab1: while (true) { lab2 = true; lab2: while (lab2 === true) { lab2 = false; if (! BaseStemmer$in_grouping$LBaseStemmer$AIII($this, RussianStemmer.g_v, 1072, 1103)) { break lab2; } break golab1; } if ($this.cursor >= $this.limit) { break lab0; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = $this.cursor, $this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); } $this.I_pV = $this.cursor; golab3: while (true) { lab4 = true; lab4: while (lab4 === true) { lab4 = false; if (! BaseStemmer$out_grouping$LBaseStemmer$AIII($this, RussianStemmer.g_v, 1072, 1103)) { break lab4; } break golab3; } if ($this.cursor >= $this.limit) { break lab0; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = $this.cursor, $this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); } golab5: while (true) { lab6 = true; lab6: while (lab6 === true) { lab6 = false; if (! BaseStemmer$in_grouping$LBaseStemmer$AIII($this, RussianStemmer.g_v, 1072, 1103)) { break lab6; } break golab5; } if ($this.cursor >= $this.limit) { break lab0; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = $this.cursor, $this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); } golab7: while (true) { lab8 = true; lab8: while (lab8 === true) { lab8 = false; if (! BaseStemmer$out_grouping$LBaseStemmer$AIII($this, RussianStemmer.g_v, 1072, 1103)) { break lab8; } break golab7; } if ($this.cursor >= $this.limit) { break lab0; } ($__jsx_postinc_t = $this.cursor, $this.cursor = ($__jsx_postinc_t + 1) | 0, $__jsx_postinc_t); } $this.I_p2 = $this.cursor; } $this.cursor = v_1; return true; }; RussianStemmer.r_mark_regions$LRussianStemmer$ = RussianStemmer$r_mark_regions$LRussianStemmer$; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_R2$ = function () { return (! (this.I_p2 <= this.cursor) ? false : true); }; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_R2 = RussianStemmer.prototype.r_R2$; function RussianStemmer$r_R2$LRussianStemmer$($this) { return (! ($this.I_p2 <= $this.cursor) ? false : true); }; RussianStemmer.r_R2$LRussianStemmer$ = RussianStemmer$r_R2$LRussianStemmer$; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_perfective_gerund$ = function () { var among_var; var v_1; var lab0; var lab1; this.ket = this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I(this, RussianStemmer.a_0, 9); if (among_var === 0) { return false; } this.bra = this.cursor; switch (among_var) { case 0: return false; case 1: lab0 = true; lab0: while (lab0 === true) { lab0 = false; v_1 = ((this.limit - this.cursor) | 0); lab1 = true; lab1: while (lab1 === true) { lab1 = false; if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS(this, 1, "\u0430")) { break lab1; } break lab0; } this.cursor = ((this.limit - v_1) | 0); if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS(this, 1, "\u044F")) { return false; } } if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, "")) { return false; } break; case 2: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, "")) { return false; } break; } return true; }; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_perfective_gerund = RussianStemmer.prototype.r_perfective_gerund$; function RussianStemmer$r_perfective_gerund$LRussianStemmer$($this) { var among_var; var v_1; var lab0; var lab1; $this.ket = $this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I($this, RussianStemmer.a_0, 9); if (among_var === 0) { return false; } $this.bra = $this.cursor; switch (among_var) { case 0: return false; case 1: lab0 = true; lab0: while (lab0 === true) { lab0 = false; v_1 = (($this.limit - $this.cursor) | 0); lab1 = true; lab1: while (lab1 === true) { lab1 = false; if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS($this, 1, "\u0430")) { break lab1; } break lab0; } $this.cursor = (($this.limit - v_1) | 0); if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS($this, 1, "\u044F")) { return false; } } if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, "")) { return false; } break; case 2: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, "")) { return false; } break; } return true; }; RussianStemmer.r_perfective_gerund$LRussianStemmer$ = RussianStemmer$r_perfective_gerund$LRussianStemmer$; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_adjective$ = function () { var among_var; this.ket = this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I(this, RussianStemmer.a_1, 26); if (among_var === 0) { return false; } this.bra = this.cursor; switch (among_var) { case 0: return false; case 1: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, "")) { return false; } break; } return true; }; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_adjective = RussianStemmer.prototype.r_adjective$; function RussianStemmer$r_adjective$LRussianStemmer$($this) { var among_var; $this.ket = $this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I($this, RussianStemmer.a_1, 26); if (among_var === 0) { return false; } $this.bra = $this.cursor; switch (among_var) { case 0: return false; case 1: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, "")) { return false; } break; } return true; }; RussianStemmer.r_adjective$LRussianStemmer$ = RussianStemmer$r_adjective$LRussianStemmer$; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_adjectival$ = function () { var among_var; var v_1; var v_2; var lab0; var lab1; var lab2; if (! RussianStemmer$r_adjective$LRussianStemmer$(this)) { return false; } v_1 = ((this.limit - this.cursor) | 0); lab0 = true; lab0: while (lab0 === true) { lab0 = false; this.ket = this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I(this, RussianStemmer.a_2, 8); if (among_var === 0) { this.cursor = ((this.limit - v_1) | 0); break lab0; } this.bra = this.cursor; switch (among_var) { case 0: this.cursor = ((this.limit - v_1) | 0); break lab0; case 1: lab1 = true; lab1: while (lab1 === true) { lab1 = false; v_2 = ((this.limit - this.cursor) | 0); lab2 = true; lab2: while (lab2 === true) { lab2 = false; if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS(this, 1, "\u0430")) { break lab2; } break lab1; } this.cursor = ((this.limit - v_2) | 0); if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS(this, 1, "\u044F")) { this.cursor = ((this.limit - v_1) | 0); break lab0; } } if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, "")) { return false; } break; case 2: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, "")) { return false; } break; } } return true; }; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_adjectival = RussianStemmer.prototype.r_adjectival$; function RussianStemmer$r_adjectival$LRussianStemmer$($this) { var among_var; var v_1; var v_2; var lab0; var lab1; var lab2; if (! RussianStemmer$r_adjective$LRussianStemmer$($this)) { return false; } v_1 = (($this.limit - $this.cursor) | 0); lab0 = true; lab0: while (lab0 === true) { lab0 = false; $this.ket = $this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I($this, RussianStemmer.a_2, 8); if (among_var === 0) { $this.cursor = (($this.limit - v_1) | 0); break lab0; } $this.bra = $this.cursor; switch (among_var) { case 0: $this.cursor = (($this.limit - v_1) | 0); break lab0; case 1: lab1 = true; lab1: while (lab1 === true) { lab1 = false; v_2 = (($this.limit - $this.cursor) | 0); lab2 = true; lab2: while (lab2 === true) { lab2 = false; if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS($this, 1, "\u0430")) { break lab2; } break lab1; } $this.cursor = (($this.limit - v_2) | 0); if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS($this, 1, "\u044F")) { $this.cursor = (($this.limit - v_1) | 0); break lab0; } } if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, "")) { return false; } break; case 2: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, "")) { return false; } break; } } return true; }; RussianStemmer.r_adjectival$LRussianStemmer$ = RussianStemmer$r_adjectival$LRussianStemmer$; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_reflexive$ = function () { var among_var; this.ket = this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I(this, RussianStemmer.a_3, 2); if (among_var === 0) { return false; } this.bra = this.cursor; switch (among_var) { case 0: return false; case 1: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, "")) { return false; } break; } return true; }; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_reflexive = RussianStemmer.prototype.r_reflexive$; function RussianStemmer$r_reflexive$LRussianStemmer$($this) { var among_var; $this.ket = $this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I($this, RussianStemmer.a_3, 2); if (among_var === 0) { return false; } $this.bra = $this.cursor; switch (among_var) { case 0: return false; case 1: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, "")) { return false; } break; } return true; }; RussianStemmer.r_reflexive$LRussianStemmer$ = RussianStemmer$r_reflexive$LRussianStemmer$; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_verb$ = function () { var among_var; var v_1; var lab0; var lab1; this.ket = this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I(this, RussianStemmer.a_4, 46); if (among_var === 0) { return false; } this.bra = this.cursor; switch (among_var) { case 0: return false; case 1: lab0 = true; lab0: while (lab0 === true) { lab0 = false; v_1 = ((this.limit - this.cursor) | 0); lab1 = true; lab1: while (lab1 === true) { lab1 = false; if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS(this, 1, "\u0430")) { break lab1; } break lab0; } this.cursor = ((this.limit - v_1) | 0); if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS(this, 1, "\u044F")) { return false; } } if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, "")) { return false; } break; case 2: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, "")) { return false; } break; } return true; }; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_verb = RussianStemmer.prototype.r_verb$; function RussianStemmer$r_verb$LRussianStemmer$($this) { var among_var; var v_1; var lab0; var lab1; $this.ket = $this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I($this, RussianStemmer.a_4, 46); if (among_var === 0) { return false; } $this.bra = $this.cursor; switch (among_var) { case 0: return false; case 1: lab0 = true; lab0: while (lab0 === true) { lab0 = false; v_1 = (($this.limit - $this.cursor) | 0); lab1 = true; lab1: while (lab1 === true) { lab1 = false; if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS($this, 1, "\u0430")) { break lab1; } break lab0; } $this.cursor = (($this.limit - v_1) | 0); if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS($this, 1, "\u044F")) { return false; } } if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, "")) { return false; } break; case 2: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, "")) { return false; } break; } return true; }; RussianStemmer.r_verb$LRussianStemmer$ = RussianStemmer$r_verb$LRussianStemmer$; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_noun$ = function () { var among_var; this.ket = this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I(this, RussianStemmer.a_5, 36); if (among_var === 0) { return false; } this.bra = this.cursor; switch (among_var) { case 0: return false; case 1: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, "")) { return false; } break; } return true; }; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_noun = RussianStemmer.prototype.r_noun$; function RussianStemmer$r_noun$LRussianStemmer$($this) { var among_var; $this.ket = $this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I($this, RussianStemmer.a_5, 36); if (among_var === 0) { return false; } $this.bra = $this.cursor; switch (among_var) { case 0: return false; case 1: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, "")) { return false; } break; } return true; }; RussianStemmer.r_noun$LRussianStemmer$ = RussianStemmer$r_noun$LRussianStemmer$; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_derivational$ = function () { var among_var; var cursor$0; this.ket = this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I(this, RussianStemmer.a_6, 2); if (among_var === 0) { return false; } this.bra = cursor$0 = this.cursor; if (! (! (this.I_p2 <= cursor$0) ? false : true)) { return false; } switch (among_var) { case 0: return false; case 1: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, "")) { return false; } break; } return true; }; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_derivational = RussianStemmer.prototype.r_derivational$; function RussianStemmer$r_derivational$LRussianStemmer$($this) { var among_var; var cursor$0; $this.ket = $this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I($this, RussianStemmer.a_6, 2); if (among_var === 0) { return false; } $this.bra = cursor$0 = $this.cursor; if (! (! ($this.I_p2 <= cursor$0) ? false : true)) { return false; } switch (among_var) { case 0: return false; case 1: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, "")) { return false; } break; } return true; }; RussianStemmer.r_derivational$LRussianStemmer$ = RussianStemmer$r_derivational$LRussianStemmer$; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_tidy_up$ = function () { var among_var; this.ket = this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I(this, RussianStemmer.a_7, 4); if (among_var === 0) { return false; } this.bra = this.cursor; switch (among_var) { case 0: return false; case 1: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, "")) { return false; } this.ket = this.cursor; if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS(this, 1, "\u043D")) { return false; } this.bra = this.cursor; if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS(this, 1, "\u043D")) { return false; } if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, "")) { return false; } break; case 2: if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS(this, 1, "\u043D")) { return false; } if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, "")) { return false; } break; case 3: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, "")) { return false; } break; } return true; }; RussianStemmer.prototype.r_tidy_up = RussianStemmer.prototype.r_tidy_up$; function RussianStemmer$r_tidy_up$LRussianStemmer$($this) { var among_var; $this.ket = $this.cursor; among_var = BaseStemmer$find_among_b$LBaseStemmer$ALAmong$I($this, RussianStemmer.a_7, 4); if (among_var === 0) { return false; } $this.bra = $this.cursor; switch (among_var) { case 0: return false; case 1: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, "")) { return false; } $this.ket = $this.cursor; if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS($this, 1, "\u043D")) { return false; } $this.bra = $this.cursor; if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS($this, 1, "\u043D")) { return false; } if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, "")) { return false; } break; case 2: if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS($this, 1, "\u043D")) { return false; } if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, "")) { return false; } break; case 3: if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S($this, "")) { return false; } break; } return true; }; RussianStemmer.r_tidy_up$LRussianStemmer$ = RussianStemmer$r_tidy_up$LRussianStemmer$; RussianStemmer.prototype.stem$ = function () { var v_1; var v_2; var v_3; var v_4; var v_5; var v_6; var v_7; var v_8; var v_9; var lab0; var lab1; var lab2; var lab3; var lab4; var lab5; var lab6; var lab7; var lab8; var lab9; var lab10; var cursor$0; var limit$0; var cursor$1; var limit$1; var cursor$2; var cursor$3; var limit$2; var cursor$4; var limit$3; var cursor$5; var limit_backward$0; v_1 = this.cursor; lab0 = true; lab0: while (lab0 === true) { lab0 = false; if (! RussianStemmer$r_mark_regions$LRussianStemmer$(this)) { break lab0; } } cursor$0 = this.cursor = v_1; this.limit_backward = cursor$0; cursor$1 = this.cursor = limit$0 = this.limit; v_2 = ((limit$0 - cursor$1) | 0); if (cursor$1 < this.I_pV) { return false; } cursor$3 = this.cursor = this.I_pV; v_3 = this.limit_backward; this.limit_backward = cursor$3; cursor$4 = this.cursor = (((limit$2 = this.limit) - v_2) | 0); v_4 = ((limit$2 - cursor$4) | 0); lab1 = true; lab1: while (lab1 === true) { lab1 = false; lab2 = true; lab2: while (lab2 === true) { lab2 = false; v_5 = ((this.limit - this.cursor) | 0); lab3 = true; lab3: while (lab3 === true) { lab3 = false; if (! RussianStemmer$r_perfective_gerund$LRussianStemmer$(this)) { break lab3; } break lab2; } cursor$2 = this.cursor = (((limit$1 = this.limit) - v_5) | 0); v_6 = ((limit$1 - cursor$2) | 0); lab4 = true; lab4: while (lab4 === true) { lab4 = false; if (! RussianStemmer$r_reflexive$LRussianStemmer$(this)) { this.cursor = ((this.limit - v_6) | 0); break lab4; } } lab5 = true; lab5: while (lab5 === true) { lab5 = false; v_7 = ((this.limit - this.cursor) | 0); lab6 = true; lab6: while (lab6 === true) { lab6 = false; if (! RussianStemmer$r_adjectival$LRussianStemmer$(this)) { break lab6; } break lab5; } this.cursor = ((this.limit - v_7) | 0); lab7 = true; lab7: while (lab7 === true) { lab7 = false; if (! RussianStemmer$r_verb$LRussianStemmer$(this)) { break lab7; } break lab5; } this.cursor = ((this.limit - v_7) | 0); if (! RussianStemmer$r_noun$LRussianStemmer$(this)) { break lab1; } } } } cursor$5 = this.cursor = (((limit$3 = this.limit) - v_4) | 0); v_8 = ((limit$3 - cursor$5) | 0); lab8 = true; lab8: while (lab8 === true) { lab8 = false; this.ket = this.cursor; if (! BaseStemmer$eq_s_b$LBaseStemmer$IS(this, 1, "\u0438")) { this.cursor = ((this.limit - v_8) | 0); break lab8; } this.bra = this.cursor; if (! BaseStemmer$slice_from$LBaseStemmer$S(this, "")) { return false; } } v_9 = ((this.limit - this.cursor) | 0); lab9 = true; lab9: while (lab9 === true) { lab9 = false; if (! RussianStemmer$r_derivational$LRussianStemmer$(this)) { break lab9; } } this.cursor = ((this.limit - v_9) | 0); lab10 = true; lab10: while (lab10 === true) { lab10 = false; if (! RussianStemmer$r_tidy_up$LRussianStemmer$(this)) { break lab10; } } limit_backward$0 = this.limit_backward = v_3; this.cursor = limit_backward$0; return true; }; RussianStemmer.prototype.stem = RussianStemmer.prototype.stem$; RussianStemmer.prototype.equals$X = function (o) { return o instanceof RussianStemmer; }; RussianStemmer.prototype.equals = RussianStemmer.prototype.equals$X; function RussianStemmer$equals$LRussianStemmer$X($this, o) { return o instanceof RussianStemmer; }; RussianStemmer.equals$LRussianStemmer$X = RussianStemmer$equals$LRussianStemmer$X; RussianStemmer.prototype.hashCode$ = function () { var classname; var hash; var i; var char; classname = "RussianStemmer"; hash = 0; for (i = 0; i < classname.length; i++) { char = classname.charCodeAt(i); hash = (hash << 5) - hash + char; hash = hash & hash; } return (hash | 0); }; RussianStemmer.prototype.hashCode = RussianStemmer.prototype.hashCode$; function RussianStemmer$hashCode$LRussianStemmer$($this) { var classname; var hash; var i; var char; classname = "RussianStemmer"; hash = 0; for (i = 0; i < classname.length; i++) { char = classname.charCodeAt(i); hash = (hash << 5) - hash + char; hash = hash & hash; } return (hash | 0); }; RussianStemmer.hashCode$LRussianStemmer$ = RussianStemmer$hashCode$LRussianStemmer$; RussianStemmer.serialVersionUID = 1; $__jsx_lazy_init(RussianStemmer, "methodObject", function () { return new RussianStemmer(); }); $__jsx_lazy_init(RussianStemmer, "a_0", function () { return [ new Among("\u0432", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u0432", 0, 2), new Among("\u044B\u0432", 0, 2), new Among("\u0432\u0448\u0438", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u0432\u0448\u0438", 3, 2), new Among("\u044B\u0432\u0448\u0438", 3, 2), new Among("\u0432\u0448\u0438\u0441\u044C", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u0432\u0448\u0438\u0441\u044C", 6, 2), new Among("\u044B\u0432\u0448\u0438\u0441\u044C", 6, 2) ]; }); $__jsx_lazy_init(RussianStemmer, "a_1", function () { return [ new Among("\u0435\u0435", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u0435", -1, 1), new Among("\u043E\u0435", -1, 1), new Among("\u044B\u0435", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u043C\u0438", -1, 1), new Among("\u044B\u043C\u0438", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435\u0439", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u0439", -1, 1), new Among("\u043E\u0439", -1, 1), new Among("\u044B\u0439", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435\u043C", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u043C", -1, 1), new Among("\u043E\u043C", -1, 1), new Among("\u044B\u043C", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435\u0433\u043E", -1, 1), new Among("\u043E\u0433\u043E", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435\u043C\u0443", -1, 1), new Among("\u043E\u043C\u0443", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u0445", -1, 1), new Among("\u044B\u0445", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435\u044E", -1, 1), new Among("\u043E\u044E", -1, 1), new Among("\u0443\u044E", -1, 1), new Among("\u044E\u044E", -1, 1), new Among("\u0430\u044F", -1, 1), new Among("\u044F\u044F", -1, 1) ]; }); $__jsx_lazy_init(RussianStemmer, "a_2", function () { return [ new Among("\u0435\u043C", -1, 1), new Among("\u043D\u043D", -1, 1), new Among("\u0432\u0448", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u0432\u0448", 2, 2), new Among("\u044B\u0432\u0448", 2, 2), new Among("\u0449", -1, 1), new Among("\u044E\u0449", 5, 1), new Among("\u0443\u044E\u0449", 6, 2) ]; }); $__jsx_lazy_init(RussianStemmer, "a_3", function () { return [ new Among("\u0441\u044C", -1, 1), new Among("\u0441\u044F", -1, 1) ]; }); $__jsx_lazy_init(RussianStemmer, "a_4", function () { return [ new Among("\u043B\u0430", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u043B\u0430", 0, 2), new Among("\u044B\u043B\u0430", 0, 2), new Among("\u043D\u0430", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435\u043D\u0430", 3, 2), new Among("\u0435\u0442\u0435", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u0442\u0435", -1, 2), new Among("\u0439\u0442\u0435", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435\u0439\u0442\u0435", 7, 2), new Among("\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435", 7, 2), new Among("\u043B\u0438", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u043B\u0438", 10, 2), new Among("\u044B\u043B\u0438", 10, 2), new Among("\u0439", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435\u0439", 13, 2), new Among("\u0443\u0439", 13, 2), new Among("\u043B", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u043B", 16, 2), new Among("\u044B\u043B", 16, 2), new Among("\u0435\u043C", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u043C", -1, 2), new Among("\u044B\u043C", -1, 2), new Among("\u043D", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435\u043D", 22, 2), new Among("\u043B\u043E", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u043B\u043E", 24, 2), new Among("\u044B\u043B\u043E", 24, 2), new Among("\u043D\u043E", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435\u043D\u043E", 27, 2), new Among("\u043D\u043D\u043E", 27, 1), new Among("\u0435\u0442", -1, 1), new Among("\u0443\u0435\u0442", 30, 2), new Among("\u0438\u0442", -1, 2), new Among("\u044B\u0442", -1, 2), new Among("\u044E\u0442", -1, 1), new Among("\u0443\u044E\u0442", 34, 2), new Among("\u044F\u0442", -1, 2), new Among("\u043D\u044B", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435\u043D\u044B", 37, 2), new Among("\u0442\u044C", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u0442\u044C", 39, 2), new Among("\u044B\u0442\u044C", 39, 2), new Among("\u0435\u0448\u044C", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u0448\u044C", -1, 2), new Among("\u044E", -1, 2), new Among("\u0443\u044E", 44, 2) ]; }); $__jsx_lazy_init(RussianStemmer, "a_5", function () { return [ new Among("\u0430", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435\u0432", -1, 1), new Among("\u043E\u0432", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u0435", 3, 1), new Among("\u044C\u0435", 3, 1), new Among("\u0438", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435\u0438", 6, 1), new Among("\u0438\u0438", 6, 1), new Among("\u0430\u043C\u0438", 6, 1), new Among("\u044F\u043C\u0438", 6, 1), new Among("\u0438\u044F\u043C\u0438", 10, 1), new Among("\u0439", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435\u0439", 12, 1), new Among("\u0438\u0435\u0439", 13, 1), new Among("\u0438\u0439", 12, 1), new Among("\u043E\u0439", 12, 1), new Among("\u0430\u043C", -1, 1), new Among("\u0435\u043C", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u0435\u043C", 18, 1), new Among("\u043E\u043C", -1, 1), new Among("\u044F\u043C", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u044F\u043C", 21, 1), new Among("\u043E", -1, 1), new Among("\u0443", -1, 1), new Among("\u0430\u0445", -1, 1), new Among("\u044F\u0445", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u044F\u0445", 26, 1), new Among("\u044B", -1, 1), new Among("\u044C", -1, 1), new Among("\u044E", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u044E", 30, 1), new Among("\u044C\u044E", 30, 1), new Among("\u044F", -1, 1), new Among("\u0438\u044F", 33, 1), new Among("\u044C\u044F", 33, 1) ]; }); $__jsx_lazy_init(RussianStemmer, "a_6", function () { return [ new Among("\u043E\u0441\u0442", -1, 1), new Among("\u043E\u0441\u0442\u044C", -1, 1) ]; }); $__jsx_lazy_init(RussianStemmer, "a_7", function () { return [ new Among("\u0435\u0439\u0448\u0435", -1, 1), new Among("\u043D", -1, 2), new Among("\u0435\u0439\u0448", -1, 1), new Among("\u044C", -1, 3) ]; }); RussianStemmer.g_v = [ 33, 65, 8, 232 ]; var $__jsx_classMap = { "src/among.jsx": { Among: Among, Among$SII: Among, Among$SIIF$LBaseStemmer$B$LBaseStemmer$: Among$0 }, "src/stemmer.jsx": { Stemmer: Stemmer, Stemmer$: Stemmer }, "src/base-stemmer.jsx": { BaseStemmer: BaseStemmer, BaseStemmer$: BaseStemmer }, "src/russian-stemmer.jsx": { RussianStemmer: RussianStemmer, RussianStemmer$: RussianStemmer } }; })(JSX); var Among = JSX.require("src/among.jsx").Among; var Among$SII = JSX.require("src/among.jsx").Among$SII; var Stemmer = JSX.require("src/stemmer.jsx").Stemmer; var BaseStemmer = JSX.require("src/base-stemmer.jsx").BaseStemmer; var RussianStemmer = JSX.require("src/russian-stemmer.jsx").RussianStemmer;