# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2009-04-25 # Copyright 2011 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license import sys import logging import os import os.path as op import io from PyQt4.QtCore import QTimer, QObject, QCoreApplication, QUrl, QProcess, SIGNAL, pyqtSignal from PyQt4.QtGui import QDesktopServices, QFileDialog, QDialog, QMessageBox, QApplication from jobprogress import job from jobprogress.qt import Progress from hscommon.trans import trget from hscommon.plat import ISLINUX from core.app import JobType from qtlib.about_box import AboutBox from qtlib.recent import Recent from qtlib.reg import Registration from qtlib.util import createActions from . import platform from .result_window import ResultWindow from .directories_dialog import DirectoriesDialog from .problem_dialog import ProblemDialog tr = trget('ui') JOBID2TITLE = { JobType.Scan: tr("Scanning for duplicates"), JobType.Load: tr("Loading"), JobType.Move: tr("Moving"), JobType.Copy: tr("Copying"), JobType.Delete: tr("Sending files to the recycle bin"), } class SysWrapper(io.IOBase): def write(self, s): if s.strip(): # don't log empty stuff logging.warning(s) class DupeGuru(QObject): MODELCLASS = None LOGO_NAME = '' NAME = '' DETAILS_DIALOG_CLASS = None RESULT_WINDOW_CLASS = ResultWindow RESULT_MODEL_CLASS = None PREFERENCES_CLASS = None PREFERENCES_DIALOG_CLASS = None def __init__(self): QObject.__init__(self) appdata = str(QDesktopServices.storageLocation(QDesktopServices.DataLocation)) if not op.exists(appdata): os.makedirs(appdata) # For basicConfig() to work, we have to be sure that no logging has taken place before this call. logging.basicConfig(filename=op.join(appdata, 'debug.log'), level=logging.WARNING, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') if sys.stderr is None: # happens under a cx_freeze environment sys.stderr = SysWrapper() if sys.stdout is None: sys.stdout = SysWrapper() self.prefs = self.PREFERENCES_CLASS() self.prefs.load() self.model = self.MODELCLASS(view=self, appdata=appdata) self._setup() self.prefsChanged.emit(self.prefs) #--- Private def _setup(self): self._setupActions() self._update_options() self.recentResults = Recent(self, 'recentResults') self.recentResults.mustOpenItem.connect(self.model.load_from) self.resultWindow = self.RESULT_WINDOW_CLASS(self) self._progress = Progress(self.resultWindow) self.directories_dialog = DirectoriesDialog(self.resultWindow, self) self.details_dialog = self.DETAILS_DIALOG_CLASS(self.resultWindow, self) self.problemDialog = ProblemDialog(parent=self.resultWindow, model=self.model.problem_dialog) self.preferences_dialog = self.PREFERENCES_DIALOG_CLASS(self.resultWindow, self) self.about_box = AboutBox(self.resultWindow, self) self.directories_dialog.show() self.model.load() # The timer scheme is because if the nag is not shown before the application is # completely initialized, the nag will be shown before the app shows up in the task bar # In some circumstances, the nag is hidden by other window, which may make the user think # that the application haven't launched. QTimer.singleShot(0, self.finishedLaunching) self.connect(QCoreApplication.instance(), SIGNAL('aboutToQuit()'), self.application_will_terminate) self.connect(self._progress, SIGNAL('finished(QString)'), self.job_finished) def _setupActions(self): # Setup actions that are common to both the directory dialog and the results window. # (name, shortcut, icon, desc, func) ACTIONS = [ ('actionQuit', 'Ctrl+Q', '', tr("Quit"), self.quitTriggered), ('actionPreferences', 'Ctrl+P', '', tr("Preferences"), self.preferencesTriggered), ('actionShowHelp', 'F1', '', tr("dupeGuru Help"), self.showHelpTriggered), ('actionAbout', '', '', tr("About dupeGuru"), self.showAboutBoxTriggered), ('actionRegister', '', '', tr("Register dupeGuru"), self.registerTriggered), ('actionCheckForUpdate', '', '', tr("Check for Update"), self.checkForUpdateTriggered), ('actionOpenDebugLog', '', '', tr("Open Debug Log"), self.openDebugLogTriggered), ] createActions(ACTIONS, self) if ISLINUX: self.actionCheckForUpdate.setVisible(False) # This only works on Windows def _update_options(self): self.model.scanner.mix_file_kind = self.prefs.mix_file_kind self.model.options['escape_filter_regexp'] = self.prefs.use_regexp self.model.options['clean_empty_dirs'] = self.prefs.remove_empty_folders self.model.options['ignore_hardlink_matches'] = self.prefs.ignore_hardlink_matches #--- Public def add_selected_to_ignore_list(self): dupes = self.model.without_ref(self.model.selected_dupes) if not dupes: return title = tr("Add to Ignore List") msg = tr("All selected %d matches are going to be ignored in all subsequent scans. Continue?") % len(dupes) if self.confirm(title, msg): self.model.add_selected_to_ignore_list(self) def copy_or_move_marked(self, copy): opname = tr("copy") if copy else tr("move") title = tr("Select a directory to {} marked files to").format(opname) flags = QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly destination = str(QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self.resultWindow, title, '', flags)) if not destination: return recreate_path = self.prefs.destination_type self.model.copy_or_move_marked(copy, destination, recreate_path) def remove_selected(self): dupes = self.model.without_ref(self.model.selected_dupes) if not dupes: return title = tr("Remove duplicates") msg = tr("You are about to remove %d files from results. Continue?") % len(dupes) if self.confirm(title, msg): self.model.remove_selected(self) def askForRegCode(self): reg = Registration(self.model) reg.ask_for_code() def confirm(self, title, msg, default_button=QMessageBox.Yes): active = QApplication.activeWindow() buttons = QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No answer = QMessageBox.question(active, title, msg, buttons, default_button) return answer == QMessageBox.Yes def invokeCustomCommand(self): cmd = self.prefs.custom_command if cmd: self.model.invoke_command(cmd) else: msg = tr("You have no custom command set up. Set it up in your preferences.") QMessageBox.warning(self.resultWindow, tr("Custom Command"), msg) def show_details(self): self.details_dialog.show() def showResultsWindow(self): self.resultWindow.show() #--- Signals willSavePrefs = pyqtSignal() prefsChanged = pyqtSignal(object) #--- Events def finishedLaunching(self): self.model.initial_registration_setup() if sys.getfilesystemencoding() == 'ascii': # No need to localize this, it's a debugging message. msg = "Something is wrong with the way your system locale is set. If the files you're "\ "scanning have accented letters, you'll probably get a crash. It is advised that "\ "you set your system locale properly." QMessageBox.warning(self.directories_dialog, "Wrong Locale", msg) def application_will_terminate(self): self.willSavePrefs.emit() self.prefs.save() self.model.save() def checkForUpdateTriggered(self): QProcess.execute('updater.exe', ['/checknow']) def job_finished(self, jobid): result = self.model._job_completed(jobid, self._progress.last_error) if not result: self._progress.reraise_if_error() if jobid in {JobType.Move, JobType.Copy, JobType.Delete}: if self.model.results.problems: self.problemDialog.show() else: msg = tr("All files were processed successfully.") QMessageBox.information(self.resultWindow, tr("Operation Complete"), msg) elif jobid == JobType.Scan: if not self.model.results.groups: title = tr("Scan complete") msg = tr("No duplicates found.") QMessageBox.information(self.resultWindow, title, msg) else: self.showResultsWindow() elif jobid == JobType.Load: self.showResultsWindow() def openDebugLogTriggered(self): debugLogPath = op.join(self.model.appdata, 'debug.log') self.open_path(debugLogPath) def preferencesTriggered(self): self.preferences_dialog.load() result = self.preferences_dialog.exec() if result == QDialog.Accepted: self.preferences_dialog.save() self.prefs.save() self._update_options() self.prefsChanged.emit(self.prefs) def quitTriggered(self): self.directories_dialog.close() def registerTriggered(self): reg = Registration(self.model) reg.ask_for_code() def showAboutBoxTriggered(self): self.about_box.show() def showHelpTriggered(self): base_path = platform.HELP_PATH url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(op.abspath(op.join(base_path, 'index.html'))) QDesktopServices.openUrl(url) #--- model --> view @staticmethod def open_path(path): url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(str(path)) QDesktopServices.openUrl(url) @staticmethod def reveal_path(path): DupeGuru.open_path(path[:-1]) def start_job(self, jobid, func, args=()): title = JOBID2TITLE[jobid] try: j = self._progress.create_job() args = (j, ) + tuple(args) self._progress.run(jobid, title, func, args=args) except job.JobInProgressError: msg = tr("A previous action is still hanging in there. You can't start a new one yet. Wait a few seconds, then try again.") QMessageBox.information(self.resultWindow, 'Action in progress', msg) def get_default(self, key): return self.prefs.get_value(key) def set_default(self, key, value): self.prefs.set_value(key, value) def setup_as_registered(self): self.actionRegister.setVisible(False) self.about_box.registerButton.hide() self.about_box.registeredEmailLabel.setText(self.model.registration_email) def show_fairware_nag(self, prompt): reg = Registration(self.model) reg.show_fairware_nag(prompt) def show_demo_nag(self, prompt): reg = Registration(self.model) reg.show_demo_nag(prompt) def show_message(self, msg): window = QApplication.activeWindow() QMessageBox.information(window, '', msg) def open_url(self, url): url = QUrl(url) QDesktopServices.openUrl(url)