# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2006/11/16 # Copyright 2013 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license import logging import plistlib import time import os.path as op from appscript import app, its, k, CommandError, ApplicationNotFoundError from . import tunes from cocoa import as_fetch, proxy from hscommon.trans import trget from hscommon.path import Path from hscommon.util import remove_invalid_xml from core import directories from core.app import JobType, JOBID2TITLE from core.scanner import ScanType from core_me.app import DupeGuru as DupeGuruBase from core_me import fs from .app import PyDupeGuruBase tr = trget('ui') JobType.RemoveDeadTracks = 'jobRemoveDeadTracks' JobType.ScanDeadTracks = 'jobScanDeadTracks' JOBID2TITLE.update({ JobType.RemoveDeadTracks: tr("Removing dead tracks from your iTunes Library"), JobType.ScanDeadTracks: tr("Scanning the iTunes Library"), }) ITUNES = 'iTunes' ITUNES_PATH = Path('iTunes Library') def get_itunes_library(a): try: [source] = [s for s in a.sources(timeout=0) if s.kind(timeout=0) == k.library] [library] = source.library_playlists(timeout=0) return library except ValueError: logging.warning('Some unexpected iTunes configuration encountered') return None class ITunesSong(fs.MusicFile): def __init__(self, song_data): path = Path(proxy.url2path_(song_data['Location'])) fs.MusicFile.__init__(self, path) self.id = song_data['Track ID'] def remove_from_library(self): try: a = app(ITUNES, terms=tunes) library = get_itunes_library(a) if library is None: return [song] = library.file_tracks[its.database_ID == self.id]() a.delete(song, timeout=0) except ValueError: msg = "Could not find song '{}' (trackid: {}) in iTunes Library".format(str(self.path), self.id) raise EnvironmentError(msg) except (CommandError, RuntimeError) as e: raise EnvironmentError(str(e)) display_folder_path = ITUNES_PATH def get_itunes_database_path(): plisturls = proxy.prefValue_inDomain_('iTunesRecentDatabases', 'com.apple.iApps') if not plisturls: raise directories.InvalidPathError() plistpath = proxy.url2path_(plisturls[0]) return Path(plistpath) def get_itunes_songs(plistpath): if not plistpath.exists(): return [] s = plistpath.open('rt', encoding='utf-8').read() # iTunes sometimes produces XML files with invalid characters in it. s = remove_invalid_xml(s, replace_with='') plist = plistlib.readPlistFromBytes(s.encode('utf-8')) result = [] for song_data in plist['Tracks'].values(): try: if song_data['Track Type'] != 'File': continue song = ITunesSong(song_data) except KeyError: # No "Track Type", "Location" or "Track ID" key in track continue if song.path.exists(): result.append(song) return result class Directories(directories.Directories): def __init__(self, fileclasses): directories.Directories.__init__(self, fileclasses) try: self.itunes_libpath = get_itunes_database_path() except directories.InvalidPathError: self.itunes_libpath = None def _get_files(self, from_path, j): if from_path == ITUNES_PATH: if self.itunes_libpath is None: return [] is_ref = self.get_state(from_path) == directories.DirectoryState.Reference songs = get_itunes_songs(self.itunes_libpath) for song in songs: song.is_ref = is_ref return songs else: return directories.Directories._get_files(self, from_path, j) @staticmethod def get_subfolders(path): if path == ITUNES_PATH: return [] else: return directories.Directories.get_subfolders(path) def add_path(self, path): if path == ITUNES_PATH: if path not in self: self._dirs.append(path) else: directories.Directories.add_path(self, path) def has_itunes_path(self): return any(path == ITUNES_PATH for path in self._dirs) def has_any_file(self): # If we don't do that, it causes a hangup in the GUI when we click Start Scanning because # checking if there's any file to scan involves reading the whole library. If we have the # iTunes library, we assume we have at least one file. if self.has_itunes_path(): return True else: return directories.Directories.has_any_file(self) class DupeGuruME(DupeGuruBase): def __init__(self, view, appdata): appdata = op.join(appdata, 'dupeGuru Music Edition') DupeGuruBase.__init__(self, view, appdata) # Use fileclasses set in DupeGuruBase.__init__() self.directories = Directories(fileclasses=self.directories.fileclasses) self.dead_tracks = [] def _do_delete(self, j, *args): # XXX If I read correctly, Python 3.3 will allow us to go fetch inner function easily, so # we'll be able to replace "op" below with DupeGuruBase._do_delete.op. def op(dupe): j.add_progress() return self._do_delete_dupe(dupe, *args) marked = [dupe for dupe in self.results.dupes if self.results.is_marked(dupe)] j.start_job(self.results.mark_count, tr("Sending dupes to the Trash")) if any(isinstance(dupe, ITunesSong) for dupe in marked): j.add_progress(0, desc=tr("Talking to iTunes. Don't touch it!")) try: a = app(ITUNES, terms=tunes) a.activate(timeout=0) except (CommandError, RuntimeError, ApplicationNotFoundError): pass self.results.perform_on_marked(op, True) def _do_delete_dupe(self, dupe, *args): if isinstance(dupe, ITunesSong): dupe.remove_from_library() DupeGuruBase._do_delete_dupe(self, dupe, *args) def _create_file(self, path): if (self.directories.itunes_libpath is not None) and (path in self.directories.itunes_libpath[:-1]): if not hasattr(self, 'itunes_songs'): songs = get_itunes_songs(self.directories.itunes_libpath) self.itunes_songs = {song.path: song for song in songs} if path in self.itunes_songs: return self.itunes_songs[path] else: pass # We'll return the default file type, as per the last line of this method return DupeGuruBase._create_file(self, path) def _job_completed(self, jobid, exc): if (jobid in {JobType.RemoveDeadTracks, JobType.ScanDeadTracks}) and (exc is not None): msg = tr("There were communication problems with iTunes. The operation couldn't be completed.") self.view.show_message(msg) return True if jobid == JobType.ScanDeadTracks: dead_tracks_count = len(self.dead_tracks) if dead_tracks_count > 0: msg = tr("Your iTunes Library contains %d dead tracks ready to be removed. Continue?") if self.view.ask_yes_no(msg % dead_tracks_count): self.remove_dead_tracks() else: msg = tr("You have no dead tracks in your iTunes Library") self.view.show_message(msg) if jobid == JobType.Load: if hasattr(self, 'itunes_songs'): # If we load another file, we want a refresh song list del self.itunes_songs DupeGuruBase._job_completed(self, jobid, exc) def copy_or_move(self, dupe, copy, destination, dest_type): if isinstance(dupe, ITunesSong): copy = True return DupeGuruBase.copy_or_move(self, dupe, copy, destination, dest_type) def start_scanning(self): if self.directories.has_itunes_path(): try: app(ITUNES, terms=tunes) except ApplicationNotFoundError: self.view.show_message(tr("The iTunes application couldn't be found.")) return DupeGuruBase.start_scanning(self) def remove_dead_tracks(self): def do(j): a = app(ITUNES, terms=tunes) a.activate(timeout=0) for index, track in enumerate(j.iter_with_progress(self.dead_tracks)): if index % 100 == 0: time.sleep(.1) try: track.delete(timeout=0) except CommandError as e: logging.warning('Error while trying to remove a track from iTunes: %s' % str(e)) self.view.start_job(JobType.RemoveDeadTracks, do) def scan_dead_tracks(self): def do(j): a = app(ITUNES, terms=tunes) a.activate(timeout=0) library = get_itunes_library(a) if library is None: return self.dead_tracks = [] tracks = as_fetch(library.file_tracks, k.file_track) for index, track in enumerate(j.iter_with_progress(tracks)): if index % 100 == 0: time.sleep(.1) if track.location(timeout=0) == k.missing_value: self.dead_tracks.append(track) logging.info('Found %d dead tracks' % len(self.dead_tracks)) self.view.start_job(JobType.ScanDeadTracks, do) class PyDupeGuru(PyDupeGuruBase): def __init__(self): self._init(DupeGuruME) def scanDeadTracks(self): self.model.scan_dead_tracks() #---Properties def setMinMatchPercentage_(self, percentage: int): self.model.scanner.min_match_percentage = percentage def setScanType_(self, scan_type: int): try: self.model.scanner.scan_type = [ ScanType.Filename, ScanType.Fields, ScanType.FieldsNoOrder, ScanType.Tag, ScanType.Contents, ScanType.ContentsAudio, ][scan_type] except IndexError: pass def setWordWeighting_(self, words_are_weighted: bool): self.model.scanner.word_weighting = words_are_weighted def setMatchSimilarWords_(self, match_similar_words: bool): self.model.scanner.match_similar_words = match_similar_words def enable_scanForTag_(self, enable: bool, scan_tag: str): if enable: self.model.scanner.scanned_tags.add(scan_tag) else: self.model.scanner.scanned_tags.discard(scan_tag)