# Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2011-05-29 # Copyright 2013 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license import logging from hscommon.util import get_file_ext, format_size from core.app import format_timestamp, format_perc, format_dupe_count from core import fs from . import exif def format_dimensions(dimensions): return '%d x %d' % (dimensions[0], dimensions[1]) def get_delta_dimensions(value, ref_value): return (value[0]-ref_value[0], value[1]-ref_value[1]) class Photo(fs.File): INITIAL_INFO = fs.File.INITIAL_INFO.copy() INITIAL_INFO.update({ 'dimensions': (0,0), 'exif_timestamp': '', }) __slots__ = fs.File.__slots__ + tuple(INITIAL_INFO.keys()) # These extensions are supported on all platforms HANDLED_EXTS = {'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp', 'tiff', 'tif'} def _plat_get_dimensions(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _plat_get_blocks(self, block_count_per_side, orientation): raise NotImplementedError() def _get_orientation(self): if not hasattr(self, '_cached_orientation'): try: with self.path.open('rb') as fp: exifdata = exif.get_fields(fp) # the value is a list (probably one-sized) of ints orientations = exifdata['Orientation'] self._cached_orientation = orientations[0] except Exception: # Couldn't read EXIF data, no transforms self._cached_orientation = 0 return self._cached_orientation def _get_exif_timestamp(self): try: with self.path.open('rb') as fp: exifdata = exif.get_fields(fp) return exifdata['DateTimeOriginal'] except Exception: logging.info("Couldn't read EXIF of picture: %s", self.path) return '' @classmethod def can_handle(cls, path): return fs.File.can_handle(path) and get_file_ext(path[-1]) in cls.HANDLED_EXTS def get_display_info(self, group, delta): size = self.size mtime = self.mtime dimensions = self.dimensions m = group.get_match_of(self) if m: percentage = m.percentage dupe_count = 0 if delta: r = group.ref size -= r.size mtime -= r.mtime dimensions = get_delta_dimensions(dimensions, r.dimensions) else: percentage = group.percentage dupe_count = len(group.dupes) dupe_folder_path = getattr(self, 'display_folder_path', self.folder_path) return { 'name': self.name, 'folder_path': str(dupe_folder_path), 'size': format_size(size, 0, 1, False), 'extension': self.extension, 'dimensions': format_dimensions(dimensions), 'exif_timestamp': self.exif_timestamp, 'mtime': format_timestamp(mtime, delta and m), 'percentage': format_perc(percentage), 'dupe_count': format_dupe_count(dupe_count), } def _read_info(self, field): fs.File._read_info(self, field) if field == 'dimensions': self.dimensions = self._plat_get_dimensions() if self._get_orientation() in {5, 6, 7, 8}: self.dimensions = (self.dimensions[1], self.dimensions[0]) elif field == 'exif_timestamp': self.exif_timestamp = self._get_exif_timestamp() def get_blocks(self, block_count_per_side): return self._plat_get_blocks(block_count_per_side, self._get_orientation())