# This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html import re from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSlot from PyQt5.QtWidgets import ( QPushButton, QLineEdit, QVBoxLayout, QGridLayout, QDialog, QTableView, QAbstractItemView, QSpacerItem, QSizePolicy, QHeaderView, ) from .exclude_list_table import ExcludeListTable from core.exclude import AlreadyThereException from hscommon.trans import trget tr = trget("ui") class ExcludeListDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self, app, parent, model, **kwargs): flags = Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint | Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint super().__init__(parent, flags, **kwargs) self.app = app self.specific_actions = frozenset() self._setupUI() self.model = model # ExcludeListDialogCore self.model.view = self self.table = ExcludeListTable(app, view=self.tableView) # Qt ExcludeListTable self._row_matched = False # test if at least one row matched our test string self._input_styled = False self.buttonAdd.clicked.connect(self.addStringFromLineEdit) self.buttonRemove.clicked.connect(self.removeSelected) self.buttonRestore.clicked.connect(self.restoreDefaults) self.buttonClose.clicked.connect(self.accept) self.buttonHelp.clicked.connect(self.display_help_message) self.buttonTestString.clicked.connect(self.onTestStringButtonClicked) self.inputLine.textEdited.connect(self.reset_input_style) self.testLine.textEdited.connect(self.reset_input_style) self.testLine.textEdited.connect(self.reset_table_style) def _setupUI(self): layout = QVBoxLayout(self) gridlayout = QGridLayout() self.buttonAdd = QPushButton(tr("Add")) self.buttonRemove = QPushButton(tr("Remove Selected")) self.buttonRestore = QPushButton(tr("Restore defaults")) self.buttonTestString = QPushButton(tr("Test string")) self.buttonClose = QPushButton(tr("Close")) self.buttonHelp = QPushButton(tr("Help")) self.inputLine = QLineEdit() self.testLine = QLineEdit() self.tableView = QTableView() triggers = ( QAbstractItemView.DoubleClicked | QAbstractItemView.EditKeyPressed | QAbstractItemView.SelectedClicked ) self.tableView.setEditTriggers(triggers) self.tableView.setSelectionMode(QTableView.ExtendedSelection) self.tableView.setSelectionBehavior(QTableView.SelectRows) self.tableView.setShowGrid(False) vheader = self.tableView.verticalHeader() vheader.setSectionsMovable(True) vheader.setVisible(False) hheader = self.tableView.horizontalHeader() hheader.setSectionsMovable(False) hheader.setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView.Fixed) hheader.setStretchLastSection(True) hheader.setHighlightSections(False) hheader.setVisible(True) gridlayout.addWidget(self.inputLine, 0, 0) gridlayout.addWidget(self.buttonAdd, 0, 1, Qt.AlignLeft) gridlayout.addWidget(self.buttonRemove, 1, 1, Qt.AlignLeft) gridlayout.addWidget(self.buttonRestore, 2, 1, Qt.AlignLeft) gridlayout.addWidget(self.buttonHelp, 3, 1, Qt.AlignLeft) gridlayout.addWidget(self.buttonClose, 4, 1) gridlayout.addWidget(self.tableView, 1, 0, 6, 1) gridlayout.addItem(QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding), 4, 1) gridlayout.addWidget(self.buttonTestString, 6, 1) gridlayout.addWidget(self.testLine, 6, 0) layout.addLayout(gridlayout) self.inputLine.setPlaceholderText(tr("Type a python regular expression here...")) self.inputLine.setFocus() self.testLine.setPlaceholderText(tr("Type a file system path or filename here...")) self.testLine.setClearButtonEnabled(True) # --- model --> view def show(self): super().show() self.inputLine.setFocus() @pyqtSlot() def addStringFromLineEdit(self): text = self.inputLine.text() if not text: return try: self.model.add(text) except AlreadyThereException: self.app.show_message("Expression already in the list.") return except Exception as e: self.app.show_message(f"Expression is invalid: {e}") return self.inputLine.clear() def removeSelected(self): self.model.remove_selected() def restoreDefaults(self): self.model.restore_defaults() def onTestStringButtonClicked(self): input_text = self.testLine.text() if not input_text: self.reset_input_style() return # If at least one row matched, we know whether table is highlighted or not self._row_matched = self.model.test_string(input_text) self.table.refresh() # Test the string currently in the input text box as well input_regex = self.inputLine.text() if not input_regex: self.reset_input_style() return compiled = None try: compiled = re.compile(input_regex) except re.error: self.reset_input_style() return if self.model.is_match(input_text, compiled): self.inputLine.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(10, 200, 10);") self._input_styled = True else: self.reset_input_style() def reset_input_style(self): """Reset regex input line background""" if self._input_styled: self.inputLine.setStyleSheet(self.styleSheet()) self._input_styled = False def reset_table_style(self): if self._row_matched: self._row_matched = False self.model.reset_rows_highlight() self.table.refresh() def display_help_message(self): self.app.show_message( tr( """\ These (case sensitive) python regular expressions will filter out files during scans.
\ Directores will also have their default state set to Excluded \ in the Directories tab if their name happens to match one of the selected regular expressions.
\ For each file collected, two tests are performed to determine whether or not to completely ignore it:
  • 1. Regular expressions with no path separator in them will be compared to the file name only.
  • 2. Regular expressions with at least one path separator in them will be compared to the full path to the file.

  • Example: if you want to filter out .PNG files from the "My Pictures" directory only:
    \ .*My\\sPictures\\\\.*\\.png

    \ You can test the regular expression with the "test string" button after pasting a fake path in the test field:
    \ C:\\\\User\\My Pictures\\test.png

    Matching regular expressions will be highlighted.
    \ If there is at least one highlight, the path or filename tested will be ignored during scans.

    \ Directories and files starting with a period '.' are filtered out by default.

    """ ) )