/* Class = "NSWindow"; title = "Problems!"; ObjectID = "1"; */ "1.title" = "Problémy!"; /* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "There were problems processing some (or all) of the files. The cause of these problems are described in the table below. Those files were not removed from your results."; ObjectID = "4"; */ "4.title" = "Při zpracování některých (nebo všech) souborů se vyskytly problémy. Jejich příčina je popsána v tabulce dole. Dotčené soubory nebyli odstraněny z výsledků."; /* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "File Path"; ObjectID = "10"; */ "10.headerCell.title" = "Cesta k souboru"; /* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Error Message"; ObjectID = "11"; */ "11.headerCell.title" = "Chybové hlášení"; /* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Close"; ObjectID = "19"; */ "19.title" = "Zavřít"; /* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reveal Selected"; ObjectID = "21"; */ "21.title" = "Ukázat vybrané ve správci souborů";