# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Created By: Virgil Dupras # Created On: 2009-12-30 # Copyright 2010 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net) # # This software is licensed under the "HS" License as described in the "LICENSE" file, # which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at # http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license import sys import os import os.path as op import shutil from setuptools import setup from distutils.extension import Extension import yaml from hscommon import helpgen from hscommon.build import add_to_pythonpath, print_and_do, build_all_qt_ui, copy_packages def build_cocoa(edition, dev, help_destpath): if not dev: print("Building help index") os.system('open -a /Developer/Applications/Utilities/Help\\ Indexer.app {0}'.format(help_destpath)) print("Building dg_cocoa.plugin") if op.exists('build'): shutil.rmtree('build') os.mkdir('build') if not dev: specific_packages = { 'se': ['core_se'], 'me': ['core_me'], 'pe': ['core_pe'], }[edition] copy_packages(['core', 'hscommon'] + specific_packages, 'build') cocoa_project_path = 'cocoa/{0}'.format(edition) shutil.copy(op.join(cocoa_project_path, 'dg_cocoa.py'), 'build') os.chdir('build') script_args = ['py2app', '-A'] if dev else ['py2app'] setup( script_args = script_args, plugin = ['dg_cocoa.py'], setup_requires = ['py2app'], ) os.chdir('..') pluginpath = op.join(cocoa_project_path, 'dg_cocoa.plugin') if op.exists(pluginpath): shutil.rmtree(pluginpath) shutil.move('build/dist/dg_cocoa.plugin', pluginpath) if dev: # In alias mode, the tweakings we do to the pythonpath aren't counted in. We have to # manually put a .pth in the plugin pthpath = op.join(pluginpath, 'Contents/Resources/dev.pth') open(pthpath, 'w').write(op.abspath('.')) os.chdir(cocoa_project_path) print("Building the XCode project") args = [] if dev: args.append('-configuration dev') else: args.append('-configuration release') args = ' '.join(args) os.system('xcodebuild {0}'.format(args)) os.chdir('..') def build_qt(edition, dev): print("Building Qt stuff") build_all_qt_ui(op.join('qtlib', 'ui')) build_all_qt_ui(op.join('qt', 'base')) build_all_qt_ui(op.join('qt', edition)) print_and_do("pyrcc4 -py3 {0} > {1}".format(op.join('qt', 'base', 'dg.qrc'), op.join('qt', 'base', 'dg_rc.py'))) def build_pe_modules(ui): def move(src, dst): if not op.exists(src): return if op.exists(dst): os.remove(dst) print('Moving %s --> %s' % (src, dst)) os.rename(src, dst) print("Building PE Modules") exts = [ Extension("_block", [op.join('core_pe', 'modules', 'block.c'), op.join('core_pe', 'modules', 'common.c')]), Extension("_cache", [op.join('core_pe', 'modules', 'cache.c'), op.join('core_pe', 'modules', 'common.c')]), ] if ui == 'qt': exts.append(Extension("_block_qt", [op.join('qt', 'pe', 'modules', 'block.c')])) elif ui == 'cocoa': exts.append(Extension( "_block_osx", [op.join('core_pe', 'modules', 'block_osx.m'), op.join('core_pe', 'modules', 'common.c')], extra_link_args=[ "-framework", "CoreFoundation", "-framework", "Foundation", "-framework", "ApplicationServices",] )) setup( script_args = ['build_ext', '--inplace'], ext_modules = exts, ) move('_block.so', op.join('core_pe', '_block.so')) move('_block.pyd', op.join('core_pe', '_block.pyd')) move('_block_osx.so', op.join('core_pe', '_block_osx.so')) move('_cache.so', op.join('core_pe', '_cache.so')) move('_cache.pyd', op.join('core_pe', '_cache.pyd')) move('_block_qt.so', op.join('qt', 'pe', '_block_qt.so')) move('_block_qt.pyd', op.join('qt', 'pe', '_block_qt.pyd')) def main(): conf = yaml.load(open('conf.yaml')) edition = conf['edition'] ui = conf['ui'] dev = conf['dev'] print("Building dupeGuru {0} with UI {1}".format(edition.upper(), ui)) if dev: print("Building in Dev mode") add_to_pythonpath('.') print("Generating Help") windows = sys.platform == 'win32' profile = 'win_en' if windows else 'osx_en' help_dir = 'help_{0}'.format(edition) dest_dir = 'dupeguru_{0}_help'.format(edition) if edition != 'se' else 'dupeguru_help' help_basepath = op.abspath(help_dir) help_destpath = op.abspath(op.join(help_dir, dest_dir)) helpgen.gen(help_basepath, help_destpath, profile=profile) print("Building dupeGuru") if edition == 'pe': build_pe_modules(ui) if ui == 'cocoa': build_cocoa(edition, dev, help_destpath) elif ui == 'qt': build_qt(edition, dev) if __name__ == '__main__': main()