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2 Commity

Autor SHA1 Zpráva Datum
Andrew Senetar ec628751af
Minor cleanup to Windows.md 2020-12-29 14:56:37 -06:00
Andrew Senetar 1e12ad8d4c
Clean up Makefile & unused files
- Remove requirements-windows.txt as no longer used
- Remove srcpkg.sh as not up to date and not used
- Minor cleanup in makefile
- Update minimum python version to 3.6 in makefile
2020-12-29 14:08:37 -06:00
4 změnil soubory, kde provedl 29 přidání a 67 odebrání

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
PYTHON ?= python3
PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR := $(shell ${PYTHON} -c "import sys; print(sys.version_info.minor)")
PYRCC5 ?= pyrcc5
PREFIX ?= /usr/local
# Window compatability via Msys2
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ ifeq ($(shell ${PYTHON} -c "import platform; print(platform.system())"), Windows
BIN = bin
SO = cpython-3$(PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR)*.so
SO = *.so
VENV_OPTIONS = --system-site-packages
@ -43,16 +43,16 @@ mofiles = $(patsubst %.po,%.mo,$(pofiles))
vpath %.po $(localedirs)
vpath %.mo $(localedirs)
all : | env i18n modules qt/dg_rc.py
all: | env i18n modules qt/dg_rc.py
@echo "Build complete! You can run dupeGuru with 'make run'"
$(VENV_PYTHON) run.py
${PYTHON} -m compileall ${packages}
pyc: | env
${VENV_PYTHON} -m compileall ${packages}
reqs :
ifneq ($(shell test $(PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR) -gt $(REQ_MINOR_VERSION); echo $$?),0)
$(error "Python 3.${REQ_MINOR_VERSION}+ required. Aborting.")
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ endif
@${PYTHON} -c 'import PyQt5' >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
{ echo "PyQt 5.4+ required. Install it and try again. Aborting"; exit 1; }
env : | reqs
env: | reqs
ifndef NO_VENV
@echo "Creating our virtualenv"
${PYTHON} -m venv env
@ -73,40 +73,26 @@ ifndef NO_VENV
${PYTHON} -m venv --upgrade ${VENV_OPTIONS} env
build/help : | env
build/help: | env
$(VENV_PYTHON) build.py --doc
qt/dg_rc.py : qt/dg.qrc
qt/dg_rc.py: qt/dg.qrc
$(PYRCC5) qt/dg.qrc > qt/dg_rc.py
i18n: $(mofiles)
%.mo : %.po
%.mo: %.po
msgfmt -o $@ $<
core/pe/_block.$(SO) : core/pe/modules/block.c core/pe/modules/common.c
$(PYTHON) hscommon/build_ext.py $^ _block
mv _block.$(SO) core/pe
modules: | env
$(VENV_PYTHON) build.py --modules
core/pe/_cache.$(SO) : core/pe/modules/cache.c core/pe/modules/common.c
$(PYTHON) hscommon/build_ext.py $^ _cache
mv _cache.$(SO) core/pe
qt/pe/_block_qt.$(SO) : qt/pe/modules/block.c
$(PYTHON) hscommon/build_ext.py $^ _block_qt
mv _block_qt.$(SO) qt/pe
modules : core/pe/_block.$(SO) core/pe/_cache.$(SO) qt/pe/_block_qt.$(SO)
mergepot :
mergepot: | env
$(VENV_PYTHON) build.py --mergepot
normpo :
normpo: | env
$(VENV_PYTHON) build.py --normpo
srcpkg :
install: all pyc
mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/dupeguru
cp -rf ${packages} locale ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/dupeguru
@ -123,7 +109,7 @@ installdocs: build/help
mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/dupeguru
cp -rf build/help ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/dupeguru
uninstall :
rm -rf "${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/dupeguru"
rm -f "${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/dupeguru"
rm -f "${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/applications/dupeguru.desktop"
@ -134,4 +120,4 @@ clean:
-rm locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo
-rm core/pe/*.$(SO) qt/pe/*.$(SO)
.PHONY : clean srcpkg normpo mergepot modules i18n reqs run pyc install uninstall all
.PHONY: clean normpo mergepot modules i18n reqs run pyc install uninstall all

Zobrazit soubor

@ -2,24 +2,24 @@
### Prerequisites
- [Python 3.5+][python]
- [Visual Studio 2017][vs] or [Visual Studio Build Tools 2017][vsBuildTools] with the Windows 10 SDK
- [Python 3.6+][python]
- [Visual Studio 2019][vs] or [Visual Studio Build Tools 2019][vsBuildTools] with the Windows 10 SDK
- [nsis][nsis] (for installer creation)
- [msys2][msys2] (for using makefile method)
When installing Visual Studio or the Visual Studio Build Tools with the Windows 10 SDK on versions of Windows below 10 be sure to make sure that the Universal CRT is installed before installing Visual studio as noted in the [Windows 10 SDK Notes][win10sdk] and found at [KB2999226][KB2999226].
NOTE: When installing Visual Studio or the Visual Studio Build Tools with the Windows 10 SDK on versions of Windows below 10 be sure to make sure that the Universal CRT is installed before installing Visual studio as noted in the [Windows 10 SDK Notes][win10sdk] and found at [KB2999226][KB2999226].
After installing python it is recommended to update setuptools before compiling packages. To update run (example is for python launcher and 3.7):
After installing python it is recommended to update setuptools before compiling packages. To update run (example is for python launcher and 3.8):
$ py -3.7 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
$ py -3.8 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
More details on setting up python for compiling packages on windows can be found on the [python wiki][pythonWindowsCompilers]
More details on setting up python for compiling packages on windows can be found on the [python wiki][pythonWindowsCompilers] Take note of the required vc++ versions.
### With build.py (preferred)
To build with a different python version 3.5 vs 3.7 or 32 bit vs 64 bit specify that version instead of -3.7 to the `py` command below. If you want to build additional versions while keeping all virtual environments setup use a different location for each vritual environment.
To build with a different python version 3.6 vs 3.8 or 32 bit vs 64 bit specify that version instead of -3.8 to the `py` command below. If you want to build additional versions while keeping all virtual environments setup use a different location for each virtual environment.
$ cd <dupeGuru directory>
$ py -3.7 -m venv .\env
$ py -3.8 -m venv .\env
$ .\env\Scripts\activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python build.py
@ -34,21 +34,21 @@ It is possible to build dupeGuru with the makefile on windows using a compatable
Then the following execution of the makefile should work. Pass the correct value for PYTHON to the makefile if not on the path as python3.
$ cd <dupeGuru directory>
$ make PYTHON='py -3.7'
$ make PYTHON='py -3.8'
$ make run
### Generate Windows Installer Packages
You need to use the respective x86 or x64 version of python to build the 32 bit and 64 bit versions. The build scripts will automatically detect the python architecture for you. When using build.py make sure the resulting python works before continuing to package.py. NOTE: package.py looks for the 'makensis' executable in the default location for a 64 bit windows system. Run the following in the respective virtual environment.
You need to use the respective x86 or x64 version of python to build the 32 bit and 64 bit versions. The build scripts will automatically detect the python architecture for you. When using build.py make sure the resulting python works before continuing to package.py. NOTE: package.py looks for the 'makensis' executable in the default location for a 64 bit windows system. The extra requirements need to be installed to run packaging: `pip install -r requirements-extra.txt`. Run the following in the respective virtual environment.
$ python package.py
### Running tests
The complete test suite can be run with tox just like on linux.
The complete test suite can be run with tox just like on linux. NOTE: The extra requirements need to be installed to run unit tests: `pip install -r requirements-extra.txt`.
[python]: http://www.python.org/
[nsis]: http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Main_Page
[vs]: https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/#visual-studio-community-2017
[vsBuildTools]: https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/#build-tools-for-visual-studio-2017
[vs]: https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/#visual-studio-community-2019
[vsBuildTools]: https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/#build-tools-for-visual-studio-2019
[win10sdk]: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/windows-10-sdk
[KB2999226]: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2999226/update-for-universal-c-runtime-in-windows
[pythonWindowsCompilers]: https://wiki.python.org/moin/WindowsCompilers

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
PyQt5 >=5.4,<6.0

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
echo "Creating git archive"
version=`python -c "from hscommon.build import get_module_version; print(get_module_version('core'))"`
git archive -o ${dest} HEAD
# Now, we need to include submodules
for submodule in $submodules; do
echo "Adding submodule ${submodule} to archive"
git -C ${submodule} archive -o ../${archive_name} --prefix ${submodule}/ HEAD
tar -A ${archive_name} -f ${dest}
rm ${archive_name}
xz ${dest}
echo "Built source package ${dest}.xz"