Refactored dupeGuru to make hscommon.path's API a bit close to pathlib's
API. It's not 100% compatible yet, but it's much better than before.
This is more of a hscommon refactoring than a dupeguru one, but since
duepGuru is the main user of Path, it was the driver behind the
This refactoring also see the introduction of @pathify, which ensure
Path arguments. Previously, we were often unsure of whether the caller
of a function was passing a Path or a str. This problem is now solved
and this allows us to remove, an ill-conceived attempt to
solve that same ambiguity problem.
This unit hosts previously awkward UI view methods which weren't related
to the view itself, but to the current desktop environment. These
functions are now at their appropriate place.
Following the refactoring that has been initiated in pdfmasher's
"vala" branch, I pushed more progress window logic into the
The UI code is now a bit dumber than it used to be, and the core
now directly decides when the progress window is shown and
hidden. The "job finished" notification is also directly sent by the
core. Job description update logic is handled by a core gui
Job description contsants also moved to the core, triggering
a localisation migration from "ui" to "core".
Delta values now work for non-numerical values. Any column,
when its value differs from its ref, becomes orange.
A column that was already a "delta column" keeps its previous
behavior (dupe cells for these columns are always displayed in
Sorting behavior, when Dupes Only and Delta Values are enabled
at the same time, has also been extended to non-numerical
values, making it easy to mass-mark dupe rows with orange
Documentation was updated, unit tests were added.
Under a windows that supports symlinks (Vista+), we still need
proper privileges. If we don't have it, OSError is raised and we
need to correctly handle this case. Ref #220.
Previously, our selection would simply be lost (because the dupes that were
just swapped wouldn't be present in the table). Now, instead of trying to
preserve our dupe-selection, we preserve our index-selection when in dupes-only
mode. [#222]
Having dupes from ref folders (which makes ref switching impossible) would make
the new feature glitchy (selection would be emptied). Now, in cases where the action
results in nothing being changed, the selection stays intact. [#222]
When running dupeGuru under Linux with a messed up locale, it's
UnicodeEncodeError we get. Instead of popping a reportable traceback, it's
better to just pop the Problems dialog up.