If settings.ini is present next to the executable, will run in portable mode.
This results in settings, data, and cache all being in same folder as dupeGuru.
* Concatenating regexes into one Pattern might yield better performance under (un)certain conditions.
* Filenames are tested against regexes with no os.sep in them. This may or may not be what we want to do.
And alternative would be to test against the whole (absolute) path of each file, which would filter more agressively.
* results.py doesn't set the proper type for dupes at the line
"file = get_file(path)" so we add it on top
* Perhap it could have been added to _get_fileclasses() in core.app.py too
but I have not tested it
* In standard mode, for folder comparison, dupe type is wrongly set as core.fs.Folder
while it should be core.se.fs.Folder.
* Catching the NotImplementedError exception redirects to the appropriate handler
* This is only a temporary workaround until a better fix is implemented
- Format all files with black
- Update tox.ini flake8 arguments to be compatible
- Add black to requirements-extra.txt
- Reduce ignored flake8 rules and fix a few violations
(breaks PE temporarily)
Adds a Standard/Music Application Mode button to SE and thus adds the
ability to run ME scan types in SE. When in Music mode, the
Music-specific results window, details panel and preferences panel will
show up.
All preferences except scan_type become shared between app modes
(changing the pref in a mode changes it in the other mode).
Results Window and Details Panel are now re-created at each scan
operation because they could change their type between two runs.
Preferences panel is instantiated on the fly and discarded after close.
This is a very big merge operation and I'm trying to touch as little
code as possible, sometimes at the cost of elegance. I try to minimize
the breakage that this change brings.
It's now `DupeGuru` that holds it and passes it to `get_dupe_groups()`,
the only place where it's actually used in `Scanner`.
This will make the SE/ME/PE merge easier by allowing us to instantiate
the Scanner on-the-fly since it doesn't hold state anymore.
I have a fix to make in it and it's really silly to pretend that this
lib is of any use to anybody outside HS apps. Bringing it back here will
make things more simple.
Refactored dupeGuru to make hscommon.path's API a bit close to pathlib's
API. It's not 100% compatible yet, but it's much better than before.
This is more of a hscommon refactoring than a dupeguru one, but since
duepGuru is the main user of Path, it was the driver behind the
This refactoring also see the introduction of @pathify, which ensure
Path arguments. Previously, we were often unsure of whether the caller
of a function was passing a Path or a str. This problem is now solved
and this allows us to remove hscommon.io, an ill-conceived attempt to
solve that same ambiguity problem.
This unit hosts previously awkward UI view methods which weren't related
to the view itself, but to the current desktop environment. These
functions are now at their appropriate place.