* Recently, the "hsaudiotag3k" on pypi has changed name slightly
* The actual version is now "1.1.3.post1"
* This avoids errors when invoking `pip -r requirements.txt`
* There is a bug with pyqt5<=5.14 where the table does not update after a call to update() and needs to receive a mouse click event in order to repaint as expected.
* This does not affect Windows only as this is a Qt5 bug.
* This seems to be fixed with pyqt5>=5.15.1.
Workaround "dpkg-source: error: can't build with source format '3.0 (native)': native package version may not have a revision" error as mentioned in #753
- Remove requirements-windows.txt as no longer used
- Remove srcpkg.sh as not up to date and not used
- Minor cleanup in makefile
- Update minimum python version to 3.6 in makefile
* For some reason the table view doesn't update properly after the test string button is clicked nor when the input field is edited
* The table rows only get repainted the rows properly after receiving a mouse click event
* This doesn't happen on Linux
- Merge windows requirements into requirements.txt and requirements-extra.txt
- Update tox.ini to always use build.py
- Update build.py to have module only option
- Update tox.ini to text python 3.9
- Update .travis.yml to test 3.8 and 3.9 on newer Ubuntu LTS
-Update .travis.yml to work with changes to windows tox
(also update windows to 3.8)
* Removes the hardcoded path to the icon in the .desktop file
* Allows themes to override the default application icon (icons are searched for in theme paths first)
* Debian: create symbolic link in /usr/share/pixmaps that points to the icon file
* Arch: the same thing is done by PKGBUILD maintainers downstream
* When right clicking on image viewers while they are docked, the context menu of the Results window showed up.
* This also enables capture of right click and middle click buttons to drag around images, which solves a conflict with some theme engines that enable left mouse button click to drag a window's position regardless of where the event happens, hence blocking the panning.
* Probably unnecessary to check which button is released.