Fixed Windows packaging

This commit is contained in:
Virgil Dupras 2014-04-21 10:00:53 -04:00
parent 6ce0f66601
commit c6ea1c62d4
1 changed files with 8 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import glob
from hscommon.plat import ISWINDOWS, ISLINUX
from import (add_to_pythonpath, print_and_do, copy_packages, build_debian_changelog,
copy_qt_plugins, get_module_version, filereplace, copy, setup_package_argparser,
package_cocoa_app_in_dmg, copy_all)
package_cocoa_app_in_dmg, copy_all, find_in_path)
def parse_args():
parser = ArgumentParser()
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ def package_windows(edition, dev):
print("Qt packaging only works under Windows.")
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
from PyQt5.QtCore import QLibraryInfo
app_version = get_module_version('core_{}'.format(edition))
distdir = 'dist'
@ -80,13 +81,15 @@ def package_windows(edition, dev):
print("Removing useless DLLs")
# Huge useless dll that appeared with Qt5
for fn in glob.glob(op.join(distdir, 'icu*.dll')):
print("Removing useless files")
# Debug info that cx_freeze brings in.
for fn in glob.glob(op.join(distdir, '*', '*.pdb')):
print("Copying forgotten DLLs")
qtlibpath = QLibraryInfo.location(QLibraryInfo.LibrariesPath)
shutil.copy(op.join(qtlibpath, 'libEGL.dll'), distdir)
shutil.copy(find_in_path('msvcp110.dll'), distdir)
print("Copying the rest")
help_path = op.join('build', 'help')
print("Copying {} to dist\\help".format(help_path))
shutil.copytree(help_path, op.join(distdir, 'help'))