mirror of https://github.com/arsenetar/dupeguru.git synced 2025-03-10 05:34:36 +00:00

Moved column information in new edition-specific core result_table units.

This commit is contained in:
Virgil Dupras 2011-11-27 12:47:00 -05:00
parent eb83b830df
commit 7e95404903
17 changed files with 149 additions and 113 deletions

View File

@ -7,10 +7,12 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "PyResultTable.h"
#import "PyApp.h"
@interface PyDupeGuruBase : PyApp
- (void)bindCocoa:(id)cocoa;
- (PyResultTable *)resultTable;
- (NSNumber *)addDirectory:(NSString *)name;
- (void)removeDirectory:(NSNumber *)index;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license
- (NSString *)valueForRow:(NSInteger)rowIndex column:(NSString *)aColumn;
- (BOOL)renameSelected:(NSString *)aNewName;
- (void)sortBy:(NSInteger)aIdentifier ascending:(BOOL)aAscending;
- (void)sortBy:(NSString *)aIdentifier ascending:(BOOL)aAscending;
- (void)markSelected;
- (void)removeSelected;
- (NSInteger)selectedDupeCount;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license
NSIndexSet *_deltaColumns;
HSColumns *columns;
- (id)initWithPyParent:(id)aPyParent view:(NSTableView *)aTableView;
- (id)initWithPy:(id)aPy view:(NSTableView *)aTableView;
- (PyResultTable *)py;
- (HSColumns *)columns;
- (BOOL)powerMarkerMode;

View File

@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license
@implementation ResultTable
- (id)initWithPyParent:(id)aPyParent view:(NSTableView *)aTableView
- (id)initWithPy:(id)aPy view:(NSTableView *)aTableView
self = [super initWithPyClassName:@"PyResultTable" pyParent:aPyParent view:aTableView];
self = [super initWithPy:aPy view:aTableView];
columns = [[HSColumns alloc] initWithPy:[[self py] columns] tableView:aTableView];
[self connect];
return self;
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license
if ([[tableView sortDescriptors] count] < 1)
NSSortDescriptor *sd = [[tableView sortDescriptors] objectAtIndex:0];
[[self py] sortBy:[[sd key] integerValue] ascending:[sd ascending]];
[[self py] sortBy:[sd key] ascending:[sd ascending]];
- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView willDisplayCell:(id)cell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)column row:(NSInteger)row

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license
columnsMenu = [app columnsMenu];
/* Put a cute iTunes-like bottom bar */
[[self window] setContentBorderThickness:28 forEdge:NSMinYEdge];
table = [[ResultTable alloc] initWithPyParent:py view:matches];
table = [[ResultTable alloc] initWithPy:[py resultTable] view:matches];
statsLabel = [[StatsLabel alloc] initWithPyParent:py labelView:stats];
problemDialog = [[ProblemDialog alloc] initWithPy:py];
[self initResultColumns];

View File

@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ import logging
from jobprogress import job
from hscommon import cocoa
from hscommon.cocoa import install_exception_hook
from hscommon.cocoa.inter import signature, PyFairware
from hscommon.cocoa.inter import signature, subproxy, PyFairware
from hscommon.cocoa.objcmin import (NSNotificationCenter, NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains,
NSApplicationSupportDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, NSWorkspace)
from hscommon.trans import trget
from core.app import JobType
from .result_table import PyResultTable
tr = trget('ui')
@ -31,6 +32,8 @@ class PyDupeGuruBase(PyFairware):
def bindCocoa_(self, cocoa):
self.cocoa = cocoa
resultTable = subproxy('resultTable', 'result_table', PyResultTable)
def addDirectory_(self, directory):
return self.py.add_directory(directory)

View File

@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
from hscommon.cocoa.inter import signature, PyTable
from core.gui.result_table import ResultTable
class PyResultTable(PyTable):
py_class = ResultTable
def powerMarkerMode(self):
return self.py.power_marker
@ -29,7 +25,7 @@ class PyResultTable(PyTable):
def renameSelected_(self, newname):
return self.py.rename_selected(newname)
def sortBy_ascending_(self, key, asc):
self.py.sort(key, asc)

View File

@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ def format_perc(p):
def format_dupe_count(c):
return str(c) if c else '---'
def cmp_value(dupe, column):
if column.name == 'name':
def cmp_value(dupe, attrname):
if attrname == 'name':
value = rem_file_ext(dupe.name)
value = getattr(dupe, column.name, '')
value = getattr(dupe, attrname, '')
return value.lower() if isinstance(value, str) else value
class DupeGuru(RegistrableApplication, Broadcaster):
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ class DupeGuru(RegistrableApplication, Broadcaster):
'ignore_hardlink_matches': False,
self.selected_dupes = []
# subclasses must create self.result_table
#--- Virtual
def _get_display_info(self, dupe, group, delta):
@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ class DupeGuru(RegistrableApplication, Broadcaster):
column_ids = [colid for colid in column_ids if colid.isdigit()]
column_ids = list(map(int, column_ids))
colnames = [col.display for i, col in enumerate(self.COLUMNS) if i in column_ids]
colnames = [col.display for i, col in enumerate(self.result_table.COLUMNS) if i in column_ids]
rows = []
for group in self.results.groups:
for dupe in group:
@ -287,13 +288,15 @@ class DupeGuru(RegistrableApplication, Broadcaster):
return export.export_to_xhtml(colnames, rows)
def get_display_info(self, dupe, group, delta=False):
def empty_data():
return {c.name: '---' for c in self.result_table.COLUMNS[1:]}
if (dupe is None) or (group is None):
return ['---'] * len(self.COLUMNS)
return empty_data()
return self._get_display_info(dupe, group, delta)
except Exception as e:
logging.warning("Exception on GetDisplayInfo for %s: %s", str(dupe.path), str(e))
return ['---'] * len(self.COLUMNS)
return empty_data()
def invoke_command(self, cmd):
"""Calls command `cmd` with %d and %r placeholders replaced.

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from hscommon.notify import Listener
class GUIObject(Listener):
def __init__(self, view, app):
Listener.__init__(self, app)
if view is not None:
self.view = view
self.app = app

View File

@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ class DetailsPanel(GUIObject):
dupe = None
group = None
l1 = self.app.get_display_info(dupe, group, False)
data1 = self.app.get_display_info(dupe, group, False)
# we don't want the two sides of the table to display the stats for the same file
ref = group.ref if group is not None and group.ref is not dupe else None
l2 = self.app.get_display_info(ref, group, False)
names = [c.display for c in self.app.COLUMNS]
self._table = list(zip(names, l1, l2))
data2 = self.app.get_display_info(ref, group, False)
columns = self.app.result_table.COLUMNS[1:] # first column is the 'marked' column
self._table = [(c.display, data1[c.name], data2[c.name]) for c in columns]
#--- Public
def row_count(self):

View File

@ -52,14 +52,13 @@ class DupeRow(Row):
class ResultTable(GUIObject, GUITable):
def __init__(self, view, app):
GUIObject.__init__(self, view, app)
def __init__(self, app):
GUIObject.__init__(self, None, app)
self.columns = Columns(self, prefaccess=app, savename='ResultTable')
self._power_marker = False
self._delta_values = False
self._sort_descriptors = (0, True)
self._sort_descriptors = ('name', True)
#--- Override
def connect(self):

View File

@ -5,51 +5,26 @@
# which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at
# http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license
from hscommon.trans import trget
from hscommon.util import format_size, format_time
from hscommon.gui.column import Column
from core.app import (DupeGuru as DupeGuruBase, format_timestamp,
format_perc, format_words, format_dupe_count, cmp_value)
from . import prioritize
from . import __appname__
from . import scanner, fs
coltr = trget('columns')
from .result_table import ResultTable
class DupeGuru(DupeGuruBase):
NAME = __appname__
Column('marked', ''),
Column('name', coltr("Filename")),
Column('folder_path', coltr("Folder"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('size', coltr("Size (MB)"), optional=True),
Column('duration', coltr("Time"), optional=True),
Column('bitrate', coltr("Bitrate"), optional=True),
Column('samplerate', coltr("Sample Rate"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('extension', coltr("Kind"), optional=True),
Column('mtime', coltr("Modification"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('title', coltr("Title"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('artist', coltr("Artist"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('album', coltr("Album"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('genre', coltr("Genre"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('year', coltr("Year"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('track', coltr("Track Number"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('comment', coltr("Comment"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('percentage', coltr("Match %"), optional=True),
Column('words', coltr("Words Used"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('dupe_count', coltr("Dupe Count"), visible=False, optional=True),
DELTA_COLUMNS = {2, 3, 4, 5, 7}
METADATA_TO_READ = ['size', 'mtime', 'duration', 'bitrate', 'samplerate', 'title', 'artist',
'album', 'genre', 'year', 'track', 'comment']
def __init__(self, view, appdata):
DupeGuruBase.__init__(self, view, appdata)
self.scanner = scanner.ScannerME()
self.directories.fileclasses = [fs.MusicFile]
self.result_table = ResultTable(self)
def _get_display_info(self, dupe, group, delta):
size = dupe.size
@ -93,22 +68,22 @@ class DupeGuru(DupeGuruBase):
def _get_dupe_sort_key(self, dupe, get_group, key, delta):
if key == self.MATCHPERC_COL:
if key == 'percentage':
m = get_group().get_match_of(dupe)
return m.percentage
if key == self.DUPECOUNT_COL:
if key == 'dupe_count':
return 0
r = cmp_value(dupe, self.COLUMNS[key])
r = cmp_value(dupe, key)
if delta and (key in self.DELTA_COLUMNS):
r -= cmp_value(get_group().ref, self.COLUMNS[key])
r -= cmp_value(get_group().ref, key)
return r
def _get_group_sort_key(self, group, key):
if key == self.MATCHPERC_COL:
if key == 'percentage':
return group.percentage
if key == self.DUPECOUNT_COL:
if key == 'dupe_count':
return len(group)
return cmp_value(group.ref, self.COLUMNS[key])
return cmp_value(group.ref, key)
def _prioritization_categories(self):
return prioritize.all_categories()

core_me/result_table.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Created On: 2011-11-27
# Copyright 2011 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net)
# This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file,
# which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at
# http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license
from hscommon.gui.column import Column
from hscommon.trans import trget
from core.gui.result_table import ResultTable as ResultTableBase
coltr = trget('columns')
class ResultTable(ResultTableBase):
Column('marked', ''),
Column('name', coltr("Filename")),
Column('folder_path', coltr("Folder"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('size', coltr("Size (MB)"), optional=True),
Column('duration', coltr("Time"), optional=True),
Column('bitrate', coltr("Bitrate"), optional=True),
Column('samplerate', coltr("Sample Rate"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('extension', coltr("Kind"), optional=True),
Column('mtime', coltr("Modification"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('title', coltr("Title"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('artist', coltr("Artist"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('album', coltr("Album"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('genre', coltr("Genre"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('year', coltr("Year"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('track', coltr("Track Number"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('comment', coltr("Comment"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('percentage', coltr("Match %"), optional=True),
Column('words', coltr("Words Used"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('dupe_count', coltr("Dupe Count"), visible=False, optional=True),

View File

@ -7,17 +7,14 @@
import os.path as op
from hscommon.trans import trget
from hscommon.util import format_size
from hscommon.gui.column import Column
from core.app import (DupeGuru as DupeGuruBase, format_timestamp, format_perc,
format_dupe_count, cmp_value)
from .scanner import ScannerPE
from . import prioritize
from . import __appname__
coltr = trget('columns')
from .result_table import ResultTable
def format_dimensions(dimensions):
return '%d x %d' % (dimensions[0], dimensions[1])
@ -27,27 +24,14 @@ def get_delta_dimensions(value, ref_value):
class DupeGuru(DupeGuruBase):
NAME = __appname__
Column('marked', ''),
Column('name', coltr("Filename")),
Column('folder_path', coltr("Folder"), optional=True),
Column('size', coltr("Size (KB)"), optional=True),
Column('extension', coltr("Kind"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('dimensions', coltr("Dimensions"), optional=True),
Column('mtime', coltr("Modification"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('percentage', coltr("Match %"), optional=True),
Column('dupe_count', coltr("Dupe Count"), visible=False, optional=True),
DELTA_COLUMNS = {2, 4, 5}
METADATA_TO_READ = ['size', 'mtime', 'dimensions']
def __init__(self, view, appdata):
DupeGuruBase.__init__(self, view, appdata)
self.scanner = ScannerPE()
self.scanner.cache_path = op.join(self.appdata, 'cached_pictures.db')
self.result_table = ResultTable(self)
def _get_display_info(self, dupe, group, delta):
size = dupe.size
@ -78,17 +62,17 @@ class DupeGuru(DupeGuruBase):
def _get_dupe_sort_key(self, dupe, get_group, key, delta):
if key == self.MATCHPERC_COL:
if key == 'percentage':
m = get_group().get_match_of(dupe)
return m.percentage
if key == self.DUPECOUNT_COL:
if key == 'dupe_count':
return 0
if key == self.FOLDER_COL:
if key == 'folder_path':
dupe_folder_path = getattr(dupe, 'display_folder_path', dupe.folder_path)
return str(dupe_folder_path).lower()
r = cmp_value(dupe, self.COLUMNS[key])
r = cmp_value(dupe, key)
if delta and (key in self.DELTA_COLUMNS):
ref_value = cmp_value(get_group().ref, self.COLUMNS[key])
ref_value = cmp_value(get_group().ref, key)
if key == 4: # dimensions
r = get_delta_dimensions(r, ref_value)
@ -96,14 +80,14 @@ class DupeGuru(DupeGuruBase):
return r
def _get_group_sort_key(self, group, key):
if key == self.MATCHPERC_COL:
if key == 'percentage':
return group.percentage
if key == self.DUPECOUNT_COL:
if key == 'dupe_count':
return len(group)
if key == self.FOLDER_COL:
if key == 'folder_path':
dupe_folder_path = getattr(group.ref, 'display_folder_path', group.ref.folder_path)
return str(dupe_folder_path).lower()
return cmp_value(group.ref, self.COLUMNS[key])
return cmp_value(group.ref, key)
def _prioritization_categories(self):
return prioritize.all_categories()

core_pe/result_table.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Created On: 2011-11-27
# Copyright 2011 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net)
# This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file,
# which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at
# http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license
from hscommon.gui.column import Column
from hscommon.trans import trget
from core.gui.result_table import ResultTable as ResultTableBase
coltr = trget('columns')
class ResultTable(ResultTableBase):
Column('marked', ''),
Column('name', coltr("Filename")),
Column('folder_path', coltr("Folder"), optional=True),
Column('size', coltr("Size (KB)"), optional=True),
Column('extension', coltr("Kind"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('dimensions', coltr("Dimensions"), optional=True),
Column('mtime', coltr("Modification"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('percentage', coltr("Match %"), optional=True),
Column('dupe_count', coltr("Dupe Count"), visible=False, optional=True),

View File

@ -5,37 +5,22 @@
# which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at
# http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license
from hscommon.trans import trget
from hscommon.util import format_size
from hscommon.gui.column import Column
from core.app import (DupeGuru as DupeGuruBase, format_timestamp, format_perc,
format_words, format_dupe_count, cmp_value)
from core import prioritize
from . import __appname__
coltr = trget('columns')
from .result_table import ResultTable
class DupeGuru(DupeGuruBase):
NAME = __appname__
Column('marked', ''),
Column('name', coltr("Filename")),
Column('folder_path', coltr("Folder"), optional=True),
Column('size', coltr("Size (KB)"), optional=True),
Column('extension', coltr("Kind"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('mtime', coltr("Modification"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('percentage', coltr("Match %"), optional=True),
Column('words', coltr("Words Used"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('dupe_count', coltr("Dupe Count"), visible=False, optional=True),
METADATA_TO_READ = ['size', 'mtime']
def __init__(self, view, appdata):
DupeGuruBase.__init__(self, view, appdata)
self.result_table = ResultTable(self)
def _get_display_info(self, dupe, group, delta):
size = dupe.size
@ -63,22 +48,22 @@ class DupeGuru(DupeGuruBase):
def _get_dupe_sort_key(self, dupe, get_group, key, delta):
if key == self.MATCHPERC_COL:
if key == 'percentage':
m = get_group().get_match_of(dupe)
return m.percentage
if key == self.DUPECOUNT_COL:
if key == 'dupe_count':
return 0
r = cmp_value(dupe, self.COLUMNS[key])
r = cmp_value(dupe, key)
if delta and (key in self.DELTA_COLUMNS):
r -= cmp_value(get_group().ref, self.COLUMNS[key])
r -= cmp_value(get_group().ref, key)
return r
def _get_group_sort_key(self, group, key):
if key == self.MATCHPERC_COL:
if key == 'percentage':
return group.percentage
if key == self.DUPECOUNT_COL:
if key == 'dupe_count':
return len(group)
return cmp_value(group.ref, self.COLUMNS[key])
return cmp_value(group.ref, key)
def _prioritization_categories(self):
return prioritize.all_categories()

core_se/result_table.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Created On: 2011-11-27
# Copyright 2011 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net)
# This software is licensed under the "BSD" License as described in the "LICENSE" file,
# which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at
# http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/bsd_license
from hscommon.gui.column import Column
from hscommon.trans import trget
from core.gui.result_table import ResultTable as ResultTableBase
coltr = trget('columns')
class ResultTable(ResultTableBase):
Column('marked', ''),
Column('name', coltr("Filename")),
Column('folder_path', coltr("Folder"), optional=True),
Column('size', coltr("Size (KB)"), optional=True),
Column('extension', coltr("Kind"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('mtime', coltr("Modification"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('percentage', coltr("Match %"), optional=True),
Column('words', coltr("Words Used"), visible=False, optional=True),
Column('dupe_count', coltr("Dupe Count"), visible=False, optional=True),