mirror of https://github.com/arsenetar/dupeguru.git synced 2025-03-10 05:34:36 +00:00

Updated help.

This commit is contained in:
Virgil Dupras 2012-06-01 10:23:37 -04:00
parent 7a768bd0e6
commit 6c62c2d563
12 changed files with 75 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -112,3 +112,4 @@ Häufig gestellte Fragen
Wenn dies alles fehlschlägt, kontaktieren Sie `HS support <http://www.hardcoded.net/support>`_, wir werden das Problem lösen.
.. todo:: This FAQ qestion is outdated, see english version.

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@ -93,4 +93,5 @@ Aktionen Menü
* **Eigenen Befehl ausführen:** Ruft die in den Einstellungen definierte externe Anwendung auf und nutzt die aktuelle Auswahl als Argumente für den Aufruf.
* **Ausgewählte umbenennen:** Fragt nach einem neuen Namen und benennt die ausgewählte Datei um.
.. todo:: Add Move and iPhoto/iTunes warning
.. todo:: Add Move and iPhoto/iTunes warning
.. todo:: Add "Deletion Options" section.

View File

@ -103,13 +103,21 @@ Frequently Asked Questions
.. topic:: I tried to send my duplicates to Trash, but dupeGuru is telling me it can't do it. Why? What can I do?
Most of the time, the reason why dupeGuru can't send files to Trash is because of file permissions. You need *write* permissions on files you want to send to Trash. If you're not familiar with the command line, you can use utilities such as `BatChmod <http://macchampion.com/arbysoft/BatchMod>`_ to fix your permissions.
Most of the time, the reason why dupeGuru can't send files to Trash is because of file
permissions. You need *write* permissions on files you want to send to Trash. If you're not
familiar with the command line, you can use utilities such as `BatChmod`_ to fix your
If dupeGuru still gives you troubles after fixing your permissions, there have been some cases where using "Move Marked to..." as a workaround did the trick. So instead of sending your files to Trash, you send them to a temporary folder with the "Move Marked to..." action, and then you delete that temporary folder manually.
If dupeGuru still gives you troubles after fixing your permissions, try enabling the "Directly
delete files" option that is offered to you when you activate Send to Trash. This will not send
files to the Trash, but delete them immediately. In some cases, for example on network storage
(NAS), this has been known to work when normal deletion didn't.
.. only:: edition_pe
If you're trying to delete *iPhoto* pictures, then the reason for the failure is different. The deletion fails because dupeGuru can't communicate with iPhoto. Be aware that for the deletion to work correctly, you're not supposed to play around iPhoto while dupeGuru is working. Also, sometimes, the Applescript system doesn't seem to know where to find iPhoto to launch it. It might help in these cases to launch iPhoto *before* you send your duplicates to Trash.
If all of this fail, `contact HS support <http://www.hardcoded.net/support>`_, we'll figure it out.
If all of this fail, `contact HS support`_, we'll figure it out.
.. _BatChmod: http://www.lagentesoft.com/batchmod/index.html
.. _contact HS support: http://www.hardcoded.net/support

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@ -78,21 +78,54 @@ You might notice that not all duplicates in the filtered results will match your
Action Menu
* **Clear Ignore List:** Remove all ignored matches you added. You have to start a new scan for the newly cleared ignore list to be effective.
* **Export Results to XHTML:** Take the current results, and create an XHTML file out of it. The columns that are visible when you click on this button will be the columns present in the XHTML file. The file will automatically be opened in your default browser.
* **Send Marked to Trash:** Send all marked duplicates to trash, obviously.
* **Delete Marked and Replace with Hardlinks:** Sends all marked duplicates to trash, but after having done that, the deleted files are replaced by a `hard link <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_link>`_ to the reference file. (Only for OS X and Linux)
* **Move Marked to...:** Prompt you for a destination, and then move all marked files to that destination. Source file's path might be re-created in destination, depending on the "Copy and Move" preference.
* **Copy Marked to...:** Prompt you for a destination, and then copy all marked files to that destination. Source file's path might be re-created in destination, depending on the "Copy and Move" preference.
* **Remove Marked from Results:** Remove all marked duplicates from results. The actual files will not be touched and will stay where they are.
* **Remove Selected from Results:** Remove all selected duplicates from results. Note that all selected reference files will be ignored, only duplicates can be removed with this action.
* **Make Selected Reference:** Promote all selected duplicates to reference. If a duplicate is a part of a group having a reference file coming from a reference folder (in blue color), no action will be taken for this duplicate. If more than one duplicate among the same group are selected, only the first of each group will be promoted.
* **Add Selected to Ignore List:** This first removes all selected duplicates from results, and then add the match of that duplicate and the current reference in the ignore list. This match will not come up again in further scan. The duplicate itself might come back, but it will be matched with another reference file. You can clear the ignore list with the Clear Ignore List command.
* **Open Selected with Default Application:** Open the file with the application associated with selected file's type.
* **Clear Ignore List:** Remove all ignored matches you added. You have to start a new scan for the
newly cleared ignore list to be effective.
* **Export Results to XHTML:** Take the current results, and create an XHTML file out of it. The
columns that are visible when you click on this button will be the columns present in the XHTML
file. The file will automatically be opened in your default browser.
* **Send Marked to Trash:** Send all marked duplicates to trash, obviously. Before proceeding,
you'll be presented deletion options (see below).
* **Move Marked to...:** Prompt you for a destination, and then move all marked files to that
destination. Source file's path might be re-created in destination, depending on the
"Copy and Move" preference.
* **Copy Marked to...:** Prompt you for a destination, and then copy all marked files to that
destination. Source file's path might be re-created in destination, depending on the
"Copy and Move" preference.
* **Remove Marked from Results:** Remove all marked duplicates from results. The actual files will
not be touched and will stay where they are.
* **Remove Selected from Results:** Remove all selected duplicates from results. Note that all
selected reference files will be ignored, only duplicates can be removed with this action.
* **Make Selected Reference:** Promote all selected duplicates to reference. If a duplicate is a
part of a group having a reference file coming from a reference folder (in blue color), no action
will be taken for this duplicate. If more than one duplicate among the same group are selected,
only the first of each group will be promoted.
* **Add Selected to Ignore List:** This first removes all selected duplicates from results, and
then add the match of that duplicate and the current reference in the ignore list. This match
will not come up again in further scan. The duplicate itself might come back, but it will be
matched with another reference file. You can clear the ignore list with the Clear Ignore List
* **Open Selected with Default Application:** Open the file with the application associated with
selected file's type.
* **Reveal Selected in Finder:** Open the folder containing selected file.
* **Invoke Custom Command:** Invokes the external application you've set up in your preferences using the current selection as arguments in the invocation.
* **Invoke Custom Command:** Invokes the external application you've set up in your preferences
using the current selection as arguments in the invocation.
* **Rename Selected:** Prompts you for a new name, and then rename the selected file.
**Warning about moving files in iPhoto/iTunes:** When using the "Move Marked" action on duplicates
that come from iPhoto or iTunes, files are copied, not moved. dupeGuru cannot use the Move action
on those files.
Deletion Options
These options affect how duplicate deletion takes place. Most of the time, you don't need to enable
any of them.
* **Hardlink deleted files:** The deleted files are replaced by a `hard link`_ to the reference
file. (Only for OS X and Linux)
* **Directly delete files:** Instead of sending files to trash, directly delete them. This is used
for troubleshooting and you normally don't need to enable this unless dupeGuru has problems
deleting files normally, something that can happens when you try to delete files on network
storage (NAS).
.. _hard link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_link

View File

@ -113,3 +113,5 @@ Foire aux questions
Si vous essayez d'effacer des photos dans iPhoto, alors la raison du problème est différente. L'opération rate parce que dupeGuru ne peut pas communiquer avec iPhoto. Il faut garder à l'esprit qu'il ne faut pas toucher à iPhoto pendant l'opération parce que ça peut déranger la communication entre dupeGuru et iPhoto. Aussi, quelque fois, dupeGuru ne peut pas trouver l'application iPhoto. Il faut mieux alors démarrer iPhoto avant l'opération.
Dans le pire des cas, `contactez le support HS <http://www.hardcoded.net/support>`_, on trouvera bien.
.. todo:: This FAQ qestion is outdated, see english version.

View File

@ -93,4 +93,5 @@ Voici la liste des actions qu'il est possible d'appliquer aux résultats.
* **Invoquer commande personnalisée:** Invoque la commande personnalisé que vous avez définie dans les :doc:`preferences`.
* **Renommer sélectionné:** Renomme le fichier sélectionné après vous avoir demandé d'entrer un nouveau nom.
.. todo:: Add Move and iPhoto/iTunes warning
.. todo:: Add Move and iPhoto/iTunes warning
.. todo:: Add "Deletion Options" section.

View File

@ -110,4 +110,6 @@
Եթե Դուք փորձում եք ջնջել *iPhoto* նկարները, ապա ձախողման պատճառը տարբեր է: Ջնջելը ձախողվել է, որովհետև dupeGuru-ը չի կարողանում համագործակցել iPhoto: Լինել տեղեկացված, որ ջնջումը նորմալ է աշխատում, Դուք չեք նախատեսում խաղարկել ձայն iPhoto-ին, քանսզի dupeGuru-ն աշխատում է: Նաև, երբեմն, Applescript համակարգը չի կողմնորոշվում որտեղ փնտրել iPhoto՝ բացելու համար: Հավանական է, այս դեպքերում պետք է բացել iPhoto-ն *մինչև* Դուք ուղարկեք Ձեր կրկնօրինակները Աղբարկղ:
Եթե այս ամենը ձախողվի, `կապնվեք HS աջակցության թիմի հետ <http://www.hardcoded.net/support>`_, մենք կփորձեք օգնել Ձեզ:
Եթե այս ամենը ձախողվի, `կապնվեք HS աջակցության թիմի հետ <http://www.hardcoded.net/support>`_, մենք կփորձեք օգնել Ձեզ:
.. todo:: This FAQ qestion is outdated, see english version.

View File

@ -93,4 +93,5 @@ dupeGuru-ն աջակցում է հետստուգման ֆիլտրում։ Սրա
* **Կանչել Ընտրված հրամանը.** Բացում է կարգավորումներոմ Ձեր կողմից նշված արտաքին ծրագիրը։
* **Անվանափոխել ընտրվածը.** Ձեզ հարցում կկատարվի նոր անվան համար, ապա ընտրված ֆայլը կանվանափոխվի։
.. todo:: Add Move and iPhoto/iTunes warning
.. todo:: Add Move and iPhoto/iTunes warning
.. todo:: Add "Deletion Options" section.

View File

@ -113,3 +113,4 @@
Если все это не так, `контакт с поддержки HS <http://www.hardcoded.net/support>`_, мы поможем Вас.
.. todo:: This FAQ qestion is outdated, see english version.

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@ -93,4 +93,5 @@ dupeGuru поддерживает после сканирования, филь
* **Вызов специальной команды:** Вызывает внешнюю программу вы установили в настройках с использованием выделенного фрагмента в качестве аргументов в вызове.
* **Переименования выбрано:** Запрашивает новое имя, а затем переименовать выбранный файл.
.. todo:: Add Move and iPhoto/iTunes warning
.. todo:: Add Move and iPhoto/iTunes warning
.. todo:: Add "Deletion Options" section.

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@ -113,3 +113,5 @@
Якщо все це не так, `контакт УГ підтримки <http://www.hardcoded.net/support>`_, ми зрозуміти це.
.. todo:: This FAQ qestion is outdated, see english version.

View File

@ -93,4 +93,5 @@ dupeGuru підтримує після сканування, фільтраці
* **Викликати спеціальної команди:** Викликає зовнішню програму ви встановили в настройках з використанням виділеного фрагмента в якості аргументів у виклику.
* **Перейменування обрано:** Запит нове ім'я, а потім перейменувати вибраний файл.
.. todo:: Add Move and iPhoto/iTunes warning
.. todo:: Add Move and iPhoto/iTunes warning
.. todo:: Add "Deletion Options" section.