mirror of https://github.com/arsenetar/dupeguru.git synced 2025-03-10 05:34:36 +00:00

Optimized the scanning process in PE.

This commit is contained in:
Virgil Dupras 2011-03-04 11:15:04 +01:00
parent ec8e915830
commit 1b52feb8b8
4 changed files with 97 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"Analyzed %d/%d pictures" = "Analyzed %d/%d pictures";
"Preparing for matching" = "Preparing for matching";
"Matched %d/%d pictures" = "Matched %d/%d pictures";
"Performed %d/%d chunk matches" = "Performed %d/%d chunk matches";
"Verified %d/%d matches" = "Verified %d/%d matches";
"Removing dead tracks from your iTunes Library" = "Removing dead tracks from your iTunes Library";

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"Analyzed %d/%d pictures" = "Analyzé %d/%d images";
"Preparing for matching" = "Préparation pour la comparaison";
"Matched %d/%d pictures" = "Comparé %d/%d images";
"Performed %d/%d chunk matches" = "%d/%d blocs d'images comparés";
"Verified %d/%d matches" = "Vérifié %d/%d paires";
"Removing dead tracks from your iTunes Library" = "Retrait des tracks mortes de votre librairie iTunes";

View File

@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
import logging
import multiprocessing
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from itertools import combinations
from hscommon.util import extract
from hscommon.trans import tr
from jobprogress import job
@ -17,15 +18,32 @@ from core.engine import Match
from .block import avgdiff, DifferentBlockCountError, NoBlocksError
from .cache import Cache
# The bottleneck of the matching phase is CPU, which is why we use multiprocessing. However, another
# bottleneck that shows up when a lot of pictures are involved is Disk IO's because blocks
# constantly have to be read from disks by subprocesses. This problem is especially big on CPUs
# with a lot of cores. Therefore, we must minimize Disk IOs. The best way to achieve that is to
# separate the files to scan in "chunks" and it's by chunk that blocks are read in memory and
# compared to each other. Each file in a chunk has to be compared to each other, of course, but also
# to files in other chunks. So chunkifying doesn't save us any actual comparison, but the advantage
# is that instead of reading blocks from disk number_of_files**2 times, we read it
# number_of_files*number_of_chunks times.
# Determining the right chunk size is tricky, bceause if it's too big, too many blocks will be in
# memory at the same time and we might end up with memory trashing, which is awfully slow. So,
# because our *real* bottleneck is CPU, the chunk size must simply be enough so that the CPU isn't
# starved by Disk IOs.
# Enough so that we're sure that the main thread will not wait after a result.get() call
# cpucount*2 should be enough to be sure that the spawned process will not wait after the results
# cpucount+1 should be enough to be sure that the spawned process will not wait after the results
# collection made by the main process.
RESULTS_QUEUE_LIMIT = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2
RESULTS_QUEUE_LIMIT = multiprocessing.cpu_count() + 1
def prepare_pictures(pictures, cache_path, j=job.nulljob):
def prepare_pictures(pictures, cache_path, with_dimensions, j=job.nulljob):
# The MemoryError handlers in there use logging without first caring about whether or not
# there is enough memory left to carry on the operation because it is assumed that the
# MemoryError happens when trying to read an image file, which is freed from memory by the
@ -36,6 +54,7 @@ def prepare_pictures(pictures, cache_path, j=job.nulljob):
for picture in j.iter_with_progress(pictures, tr("Analyzed %d/%d pictures")):
picture.unicode_path = str(picture.path)
logging.debug("Analyzing picture at {}".format(picture.unicode_path))
if with_dimensions:
picture.dimensions # pre-read dimensions
if picture.unicode_path not in cache:
@ -53,18 +72,42 @@ def prepare_pictures(pictures, cache_path, j=job.nulljob):
return prepared
def get_chunks(pictures):
min_chunk_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 # have enough chunks to feed all subprocesses
chunk_count = len(pictures) // DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE
chunk_count = max(min_chunk_count, chunk_count)
chunk_size = (len(pictures) // chunk_count) + 1
chunk_size = max(MIN_CHUNK_SIZE, chunk_size)
logging.info("Creating {} chunks with a chunk size of {} for {} pictures".format(
chunk_count, chunk_size, len(pictures)))
chunks = [pictures[i:i+chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(pictures), chunk_size)]
return chunks
def get_match(first, second, percentage):
if percentage < 0:
percentage = 0
return Match(first, second, percentage)
def async_compare(ref_id, other_ids, dbname, threshold):
def async_compare(ref_ids, other_ids, dbname, threshold, picinfo):
# The list of ids in ref_ids have to be compared to the list of ids in other_ids. other_ids
# can be None. In this case, ref_ids has to be compared with itself
# picinfo is a dictionary {pic_id: (dimensions, is_ref)}
cache = Cache(dbname)
limit = 100 - threshold
ref_blocks = cache[ref_id]
pairs = cache.get_multiple(other_ids)
ref_pairs = list(cache.get_multiple(ref_ids))
if other_ids is not None:
other_pairs = list(cache.get_multiple(other_ids))
comparisons_to_do = [(r, o) for r in ref_pairs for o in other_pairs]
comparisons_to_do = list(combinations(ref_pairs, 2))
results = []
for other_id, other_blocks in pairs:
for (ref_id, ref_blocks), (other_id, other_blocks) in comparisons_to_do:
ref_dimensions, ref_is_ref = picinfo[ref_id]
other_dimensions, other_is_ref = picinfo[other_id]
if ref_is_ref and other_is_ref:
if ref_dimensions != other_dimensions:
diff = avgdiff(ref_blocks, other_blocks, limit, MIN_ITERATIONS)
percentage = 100 - diff
@ -76,48 +119,60 @@ def async_compare(ref_id, other_ids, dbname, threshold):
return results
def getmatches(pictures, cache_path, threshold=75, match_scaled=False, j=job.nulljob):
def get_picinfo(p):
if match_scaled:
return (None, p.is_ref)
return (p.dimensions, p.is_ref)
def collect_results(collect_all=False):
# collect results and wait until the queue is small enough to accomodate a new results.
nonlocal async_results, matches, comparison_count
limit = 0 if collect_all else RESULTS_QUEUE_LIMIT
while len(async_results) > limit:
ready, working = extract(lambda r: r.ready(), async_results)
for result in ready:
matches += result.get()
comparison_count += 1
progress_msg = tr("Performed %d/%d chunk matches") % (comparison_count, len(comparisons_to_do))
j.set_progress(comparison_count, progress_msg)
j = j.start_subjob([3, 7])
pictures = prepare_pictures(pictures, cache_path, j)
pictures = prepare_pictures(pictures, cache_path, with_dimensions=not match_scaled, j=j)
j = j.start_subjob([9, 1], tr("Preparing for matching"))
cache = Cache(cache_path)
id2picture = {}
dimensions2pictures = defaultdict(set)
for picture in pictures:
picture.cache_id = cache.get_id(picture.unicode_path)
id2picture[picture.cache_id] = picture
if not match_scaled:
except ValueError:
pictures = [p for p in pictures if hasattr(p, 'cache_id')]
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
async_results = deque()
async_results = []
matches = []
pictures_copy = set(pictures)
for ref in j.iter_with_progress(pictures, tr("Matched %d/%d pictures")):
others = pictures_copy if match_scaled else dimensions2pictures[ref.dimensions]
if ref.is_ref:
# Don't spend time comparing two ref pics together.
others = [pic for pic in others if not pic.is_ref]
if others:
cache_ids = [f.cache_id for f in others]
# We limit the number of cache_ids we send for multi-processing because otherwise, we
# might get an error saying "String or BLOB exceeded size limit"
ARG_LIMIT = 1000
while cache_ids:
args = (ref.cache_id, cache_ids[:ARG_LIMIT], cache_path, threshold)
chunks = get_chunks(pictures)
# We add a None element at the end of the chunk list because each chunk has to be compared
# with itself. Thus, each chunk will show up as a ref_chunk having other_chunk set to None once.
comparisons_to_do = list(combinations(chunks + [None], 2))
comparison_count = 0
for ref_chunk, other_chunk in comparisons_to_do:
picinfo = {p.cache_id: get_picinfo(p) for p in ref_chunk}
ref_ids = [p.cache_id for p in ref_chunk]
if other_chunk is not None:
other_ids = [p.cache_id for p in other_chunk]
picinfo.update({p.cache_id: get_picinfo(p) for p in other_chunk})
other_ids = None
args = (ref_ids, other_ids, cache_path, threshold, picinfo)
async_results.append(pool.apply_async(async_compare, args))
cache_ids = cache_ids[ARG_LIMIT:]
# We use a while here because it's possible that more than one result has been added if
# ARG_LIMIT has been reached.
while len(async_results) > RESULTS_QUEUE_LIMIT:
result = async_results.popleft()
for result in async_results: # process the rest of the results
result = []
for ref_id, other_id, percentage in j.iter_with_progress(matches, tr("Verified %d/%d matches"), every=10):
@ -126,6 +181,8 @@ def getmatches(pictures, cache_path, threshold=75, match_scaled=False, j=job.nul
if percentage == 100 and ref.md5 != other.md5:
percentage = 99
if percentage >= threshold:
ref.dimensions # pre-read dimensions for display in results
result.append(get_match(ref, other, percentage))
return result

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
<source>Matched %d/%d pictures</source>
<translation>Comparé %d/%d images</translation>
<translation>%d/%d blocs d'images comparés</translation>
<source>Verified %d/%d matches</source>