diff --git a/cocoa/base/PyDupeGuru.h b/cocoa/base/PyDupeGuru.h
index 4d79e3c3..96af479f 100644
--- a/cocoa/base/PyDupeGuru.h
+++ b/cocoa/base/PyDupeGuru.h
@@ -23,11 +23,6 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license
- (NSNumber *)doScan;
-- (NSArray *)selectedPowerMarkerNodePaths;
-- (void)selectPowerMarkerNodePaths:(NSArray *)aIndexPaths;
-- (NSArray *)selectedResultNodePaths;
-- (void)selectResultNodePaths:(NSArray *)aIndexPaths;
- (void)toggleSelectedMark;
- (void)markAll;
- (void)markInvert;
diff --git a/cocoa/base/ResultOutline.m b/cocoa/base/ResultOutline.m
index 63932382..2b90d265 100644
--- a/cocoa/base/ResultOutline.m
+++ b/cocoa/base/ResultOutline.m
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license
NSIndexPath *path = item;
NSString *identifier = [column identifier];
- if ([identifier isEqual:@"mark"]) {
+ if ([identifier isEqual:@"marked"]) {
return b2n([self boolProperty:@"marked" valueAtPath:path]);
NSInteger columnId = [identifier integerValue];
@@ -89,17 +89,20 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license
- (void)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)aOutlineView setObjectValue:(id)object forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn byItem:(id)item
- if (![[tableColumn identifier] isEqual:@"0"])
- return; //We only want to cover renames.
- NSIndexPath *path = item;
- NSString *oldName = [[self py] valueForPath:p2a(path) column:0];
- NSString *newName = object;
- if (![newName isEqual:oldName]) {
- BOOL renamed = [[self py] renameSelected:newName];
- if (!renamed) {
- [Dialogs showMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"The name '%@' already exists.", newName]];
+ if ([[tableColumn identifier] isEqual:@"0"]) {
+ NSIndexPath *path = item;
+ NSString *oldName = [[self py] valueForPath:p2a(path) column:0];
+ NSString *newName = object;
+ if (![newName isEqual:oldName]) {
+ BOOL renamed = [[self py] renameSelected:newName];
+ if (!renamed) {
+ [Dialogs showMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"The name '%@' already exists.", newName]];
+ }
+ else {
+ [super outlineView:aOutlineView setObjectValue:object forTableColumn:tableColumn byItem:item];
+ }
/* Delegate */
@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license
NSIndexPath *path = item;
BOOL isMarkable = [self boolProperty:@"markable" valueAtPath:path];
- if ([[tableColumn identifier] isEqual:@"mark"]) {
+ if ([[tableColumn identifier] isEqual:@"marked"]) {
[cell setEnabled:isMarkable];
if ([cell isKindOfClass:[NSTextFieldCell class]]) {
diff --git a/cocoa/base/ResultWindow.h b/cocoa/base/ResultWindow.h
index 5586d8fd..7db623e4 100644
--- a/cocoa/base/ResultWindow.h
+++ b/cocoa/base/ResultWindow.h
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license
- (NSDictionary *)getColumnsWidth;
- (NSArray *)getSelectedPaths:(BOOL)aDupesOnly;
- (void)initResultColumns;
-- (void)performPySelection:(NSArray *)aIndexPaths;
- (void)restoreColumnsPosition:(NSArray *)aColumnsOrder widths:(NSDictionary *)aColumnsWidth;
/* Actions */
@@ -56,7 +55,6 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license
- (IBAction)markInvert:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)markNone:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)markSelected:(id)sender;
-- (IBAction)markToggle:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)moveMarked:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)openClicked:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)openSelected:(id)sender;
diff --git a/cocoa/base/ResultWindow.m b/cocoa/base/ResultWindow.m
index dbe9750f..fd628a7a 100644
--- a/cocoa/base/ResultWindow.m
+++ b/cocoa/base/ResultWindow.m
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license
//Add columns and set widths
for (NSString *colId in aColumnsOrder) {
- if ([colId isEqual:@"mark"]) {
+ if ([colId isEqual:@"marked"]) {
NSTableColumn *col = [_resultColumns objectAtIndex:[colId intValue]];
@@ -152,28 +152,6 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license
-// - (void)updatePySelection
-// {
-// NSArray *selection;
-// if (_powerMode) {
-// selection = [py selectedPowerMarkerNodePaths];
-// }
-// else {
-// selection = [py selectedResultNodePaths];
-// }
-// [matches selectNodePaths:selection];
-// }
-- (void)performPySelection:(NSArray *)aIndexPaths
- if ([outline powerMarkerMode]) {
- [py selectPowerMarkerNodePaths:aIndexPaths];
- }
- else {
- [py selectResultNodePaths:aIndexPaths];
- }
/* Actions */
- (IBAction)clearIgnoreList:(id)sender
@@ -268,14 +246,6 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license
- (IBAction)markSelected:(id)sender
- [self performPySelection:[self getSelectedPaths:YES]];
- [py toggleSelectedMark];
-- (IBAction)markToggle:(id)sender
- NSIndexPath *path = [matches itemAtRow:[matches clickedRow]];
- [self performPySelection:[NSArray arrayWithObject:p2a(path)]];
[py toggleSelectedMark];
@@ -310,7 +280,6 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license
- (IBAction)openSelected:(id)sender
- [self performPySelection:[self getSelectedPaths:NO]];
[py openSelected];
@@ -331,7 +300,6 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license
if ([Dialogs askYesNo:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"You are about to remove %d files from results. Continue?",[pathList count]]] == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn) // NO
- [self performPySelection:[self getSelectedPaths:YES]];
[py removeSelected];
@@ -349,7 +317,6 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license
- (IBAction)revealSelected:(id)sender
- [self performPySelection:[self getSelectedPaths:NO]];
[py revealSelected];
@@ -469,11 +436,6 @@ http://www.hardcoded.net/licenses/hs_license
[Dialogs showMessage:msg];
-- (void)outlineViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
- [self performPySelection:[self getSelectedPaths:NO]];
- (BOOL)validateToolbarItem:(NSToolbarItem *)theItem
return ![[ProgressController mainProgressController] isShown];
diff --git a/cocoa/base/xib/MainMenu.xib b/cocoa/base/xib/MainMenu.xib
index 627b5be2..3186594d 100644
--- a/cocoa/base/xib/MainMenu.xib
+++ b/cocoa/base/xib/MainMenu.xib
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
- markToggle:
- 414
diff --git a/core/app.py b/core/app.py
index da1f3319..c1883592 100644
--- a/core/app.py
+++ b/core/app.py
@@ -253,6 +253,13 @@ class DupeGuru(RegistrableApplication, Broadcaster):
+ def mark_dupe(self, dupe, marked):
+ if marked:
+ self.results.mark(dupe)
+ else:
+ self.results.unmark(dupe)
+ self.notify('marking_changed')
def open_selected(self):
if self.selected_dupes:
diff --git a/core/app_cocoa.py b/core/app_cocoa.py
index d9082d3c..c4ab27bc 100644
--- a/core/app_cocoa.py
+++ b/core/app_cocoa.py
@@ -74,18 +74,6 @@ class DupeGuru(app.DupeGuru):
ud = {'desc': JOBID2TITLE[jobid], 'jobid':jobid}
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName_object_userInfo_('JobStarted', self, ud)
- #---Helpers
- def GetObjects(self,node_path):
- #returns a tuple g,d
- try:
- g = self.results.groups[node_path[0]]
- if len(node_path) == 2:
- return (g,self.results.groups[node_path[0]].dupes[node_path[1]])
- else:
- return (g,None)
- except IndexError:
- return (None,None)
copy_or_move_marked = demo_method(app.DupeGuru.copy_or_move_marked)
delete_marked = demo_method(app.DupeGuru.delete_marked)
@@ -112,46 +100,3 @@ class DupeGuru(app.DupeGuru):
except app.AllFilesAreRefError:
return 1
- def selected_result_node_paths(self):
- def get_path(dupe):
- try:
- group = self.results.get_group_of_duplicate(dupe)
- groupindex = self.results.groups.index(group)
- if dupe is group.ref:
- return [groupindex]
- dupeindex = group.dupes.index(dupe)
- return [groupindex, dupeindex]
- except ValueError: # dupe not in there
- return None
- dupes = self.selected_dupes
- return stripnone(get_path(dupe) for dupe in dupes)
- def selected_powermarker_node_paths(self):
- def get_path(dupe):
- try:
- dupeindex = self.results.dupes.index(dupe)
- return [dupeindex]
- except ValueError: # dupe not in there
- return None
- dupes = self.selected_dupes
- return stripnone(get_path(dupe) for dupe in dupes)
- def SelectResultNodePaths(self,node_paths):
- def extract_dupe(t):
- g,d = t
- if d is not None:
- return d
- else:
- if g is not None:
- return g.ref
- selected = [extract_dupe(self.GetObjects(p)) for p in node_paths]
- self._select_dupes([dupe for dupe in selected if dupe is not None])
- def SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(self,node_paths):
- rows = [p[0] for p in node_paths]
- dupes = [self.results.dupes[row] for row in rows if row in xrange(len(self.results.dupes))]
- self._select_dupes(dupes)
diff --git a/core/app_cocoa_inter.py b/core/app_cocoa_inter.py
index cb22591a..714590bb 100644
--- a/core/app_cocoa_inter.py
+++ b/core/app_cocoa_inter.py
@@ -65,18 +65,6 @@ class PyDupeGuruBase(PyRegistrable):
def saveResults(self):
- def selectedResultNodePaths(self):
- return self.py.selected_result_node_paths()
- def selectResultNodePaths_(self,node_paths):
- self.py.SelectResultNodePaths(node_paths)
- def selectedPowerMarkerNodePaths(self):
- return self.py.selected_powermarker_node_paths()
- def selectPowerMarkerNodePaths_(self,node_paths):
- self.py.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(node_paths)
def addSelectedToIgnoreList(self):
diff --git a/core/gui/result_tree.py b/core/gui/result_tree.py
index a5dd59a9..e726aeb9 100644
--- a/core/gui/result_tree.py
+++ b/core/gui/result_tree.py
@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ class DupeNode(Node):
def marked(self):
return self._app.results.is_marked(self._dupe)
+ @marked.setter
+ def marked(self, value):
+ self._app.mark_dupe(self._dupe, value)
class ResultTree(GUIObject, Tree):
def __init__(self, view, app):
diff --git a/core/tests/app_cocoa_test.py b/core/tests/app_cocoa_test.py
index 3898f1ec..60be02ff 100644
--- a/core/tests/app_cocoa_test.py
+++ b/core/tests/app_cocoa_test.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ except ImportError:
raise SkipTest("These tests can only be run on OS X")
from ..gui.details_panel import DetailsPanel
from ..gui.directory_tree import DirectoryTree
+from ..gui.result_tree import ResultTree
class DupeGuru(DupeGuruBase):
def __init__(self):
@@ -60,12 +61,14 @@ class CallLogger(object):
class TCDupeGuru(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.app = DupeGuru()
+ self.objects,self.matches,self.groups = GetTestGroups()
+ self.app.results.groups = self.groups
self.dpanel_gui = CallLogger()
self.dpanel = DetailsPanel(self.dpanel_gui, self.app)
self.dtree_gui = CallLogger()
self.dtree = DirectoryTree(self.dtree_gui, self.app)
- self.objects,self.matches,self.groups = GetTestGroups()
- self.app.results.groups = self.groups
+ self.rtree_gui = CallLogger()
+ self.rtree = ResultTree(self.rtree_gui, self.app)
tmppath = self.tmppath()
io.mkdir(tmppath + 'foo')
io.mkdir(tmppath + 'bar')
@@ -110,142 +113,117 @@ class TCDupeGuru(TestCase):
def test_GetObjects(self):
- app = self.app
objects = self.objects
groups = self.groups
- g,d = app.GetObjects([0])
- self.assert_(g is groups[0])
- self.assert_(d is None)
- g,d = app.GetObjects([0,0])
- self.assert_(g is groups[0])
- self.assert_(d is objects[1])
- g,d = app.GetObjects([1,0])
- self.assert_(g is groups[1])
- self.assert_(d is objects[4])
+ n = self.rtree.get_node([0])
+ assert n._group is groups[0]
+ assert n._dupe is objects[0]
+ n = self.rtree.get_node([0, 0])
+ assert n._group is groups[0]
+ assert n._dupe is objects[1]
+ n = self.rtree.get_node([1, 0])
+ assert n._group is groups[1]
+ assert n._dupe is objects[4]
def test_GetObjects_after_sort(self):
- app = self.app
objects = self.objects
- groups = self.groups[:] #To keep the old order in memory
- app.sort_groups(0,False) #0 = Filename
- #Now, the group order is supposed to be reversed
- g,d = app.GetObjects([0,0])
- self.assert_(g is groups[1])
- self.assert_(d is objects[4])
- def test_GetObjects_out_of_range(self):
- app = self.app
- self.assertEqual((None,None),app.GetObjects([2]))
- self.assertEqual((None,None),app.GetObjects([]))
- self.assertEqual((None,None),app.GetObjects([1,2]))
+ groups = self.groups[:] # we need an un-sorted reference
+ self.rtree.sort(0, False) #0 = Filename
+ n = self.rtree.get_node([0, 0])
+ assert n._group is groups[1]
+ assert n._dupe is objects[4]
def test_selected_result_node_paths(self):
# app.selected_dupes is correctly converted into node paths
- app = self.app
- objects = self.objects
paths = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1]]
- app.SelectResultNodePaths(paths)
- eq_(app.selected_result_node_paths(), paths)
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = paths
+ eq_(self.rtree.selected_paths, paths)
def test_selected_result_node_paths_after_deletion(self):
# cases where the selected dupes aren't there are correctly handled
- app = self.app
- objects = self.objects
paths = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1]]
- app.SelectResultNodePaths(paths)
- app.remove_selected()
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = paths
+ self.app.remove_selected()
# The first 2 dupes have been removed. The 3rd one is a ref. it stays there, in first pos.
- eq_(app.selected_result_node_paths(), [[0]]) # no exception
+ eq_(self.rtree.selected_paths, [[0]]) # no exception
def test_selectResultNodePaths(self):
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
- app.SelectResultNodePaths([[0,0],[0,1]])
- self.assertEqual(2,len(app.selected_dupes))
- self.assert_(app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[1])
- self.assert_(app.selected_dupes[1] is objects[2])
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [0, 1]]
+ eq_(len(app.selected_dupes), 2)
+ assert app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[1]
+ assert app.selected_dupes[1] is objects[2]
def test_selectResultNodePaths_with_ref(self):
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
- app.SelectResultNodePaths([[0,0],[0,1],[1]])
- self.assertEqual(3,len(app.selected_dupes))
- self.assert_(app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[1])
- self.assert_(app.selected_dupes[1] is objects[2])
- self.assert_(app.selected_dupes[2] is self.groups[1].ref)
- def test_selectResultNodePaths_empty(self):
- self.app.SelectResultNodePaths([])
- self.assertEqual(0,len(self.app.selected_dupes))
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1]]
+ eq_(len(app.selected_dupes), 3)
+ assert app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[1]
+ assert app.selected_dupes[1] is objects[2]
+ assert app.selected_dupes[2] is self.groups[1].ref
def test_selectResultNodePaths_after_sort(self):
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
groups = self.groups[:] #To keep the old order in memory
- app.sort_groups(0,False) #0 = Filename
+ self.rtree.sort(0, False) #0 = Filename
#Now, the group order is supposed to be reversed
- app.SelectResultNodePaths([[0,0],[1],[1,0]])
- self.assertEqual(3,len(app.selected_dupes))
- self.assert_(app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[4])
- self.assert_(app.selected_dupes[1] is groups[0].ref)
- self.assert_(app.selected_dupes[2] is objects[1])
- def test_selectResultNodePaths_out_of_range(self):
- app = self.app
- app.SelectResultNodePaths([[0,0],[0,1],[1],[1,1],[2]])
- self.assertEqual(3,len(app.selected_dupes))
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [1], [1, 0]]
+ eq_(len(app.selected_dupes), 3)
+ assert app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[4]
+ assert app.selected_dupes[1] is groups[0].ref
+ assert app.selected_dupes[2] is objects[1]
def test_selected_powermarker_node_paths(self):
# app.selected_dupes is correctly converted into paths
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
- paths = r2np([0, 1, 2])
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(paths)
- eq_(app.selected_powermarker_node_paths(), paths)
+ self.rtree.power_marker = True
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0], [1], [2]]
+ self.rtree.power_marker = False
+ eq_(self.rtree.selected_paths, [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]])
def test_selected_powermarker_node_paths_after_deletion(self):
# cases where the selected dupes aren't there are correctly handled
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
- paths = r2np([0, 1, 2])
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(paths)
+ self.rtree.power_marker = True
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0], [1], [2]]
- eq_(app.selected_powermarker_node_paths(), []) # no exception
+ eq_(self.rtree.selected_paths, []) # no exception
def test_selectPowerMarkerRows(self):
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(r2np([0,1,2]))
- self.assertEqual(3,len(app.selected_dupes))
- self.assert_(app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[1])
- self.assert_(app.selected_dupes[1] is objects[2])
- self.assert_(app.selected_dupes[2] is objects[4])
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]]
+ eq_(len(app.selected_dupes), 3)
+ assert app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[1]
+ assert app.selected_dupes[1] is objects[2]
+ assert app.selected_dupes[2] is objects[4]
def test_selectPowerMarkerRows_empty(self):
- self.app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths([])
- self.assertEqual(0,len(self.app.selected_dupes))
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = []
+ eq_(len(self.app.selected_dupes), 0)
def test_selectPowerMarkerRows_after_sort(self):
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
- app.sort_dupes(0,False) #0 = Filename
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(r2np([0,1,2]))
- self.assertEqual(3,len(app.selected_dupes))
- self.assert_(app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[4])
- self.assert_(app.selected_dupes[1] is objects[2])
- self.assert_(app.selected_dupes[2] is objects[1])
- def test_selectPowerMarkerRows_out_of_range(self):
- app = self.app
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(r2np([0,1,2,3]))
- self.assertEqual(3,len(app.selected_dupes))
+ self.rtree.power_marker = True
+ self.rtree.sort(0, False) #0 = Filename
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0], [1], [2]]
+ eq_(len(app.selected_dupes), 3)
+ assert app.selected_dupes[0] is objects[4]
+ assert app.selected_dupes[1] is objects[2]
+ assert app.selected_dupes[2] is objects[1]
def test_toggleSelectedMark(self):
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
eq_(app.results.mark_count, 0)
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(r2np([0,2]))
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [1, 0]]
eq_(app.results.mark_count, 2)
assert not app.results.is_marked(objects[0])
@@ -255,10 +233,10 @@ class TCDupeGuru(TestCase):
assert app.results.is_marked(objects[4])
def test_refreshDetailsWithSelected(self):
- self.app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(r2np([0,2]))
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [1, 0]]
eq_(self.dpanel.row(0), ('Filename', 'bar bleh', 'foo bar'))
self.check_gui_calls(self.dpanel_gui, ['refresh'])
- self.app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths([])
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = []
eq_(self.dpanel.row(0), ('Filename', '---', '---'))
self.check_gui_calls(self.dpanel_gui, ['refresh'])
@@ -266,7 +244,7 @@ class TCDupeGuru(TestCase):
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
groups = self.groups
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(r2np([0,2]))
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [1, 0]]
assert groups[0].ref is objects[1]
assert groups[1].ref is objects[4]
@@ -275,20 +253,20 @@ class TCDupeGuru(TestCase):
app = self.app
objects = self.objects
groups = self.groups
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(r2np([0,1,2]))
- #Only 0 and 2 must go ref, not 1 because it is a part of the same group
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]]
+ #Only [0, 0] and [1, 0] must go ref, not [0, 1] because it is a part of the same group
assert groups[0].ref is objects[1]
assert groups[1].ref is objects[4]
def test_removeSelected(self):
app = self.app
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(r2np([0,2]))
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = [[0, 0], [1, 0]]
eq_(len(app.results.dupes), 1)
eq_(len(app.results.dupes), 1)
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(r2np([0,2]))
+ self.rtree.selected_path = [0, 0]
eq_(len(app.results.dupes), 0)
@@ -309,13 +287,13 @@ class TCDupeGuru(TestCase):
def test_ignore(self):
app = self.app
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(r2np([2])) #The dupe of the second, 2 sized group
+ self.rtree.selected_path = [1, 0] #The dupe of the second, 2 sized group
- self.assertEqual(1,len(app.scanner.ignore_list))
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(r2np([0])) #first dupe of the 3 dupes group
+ eq_(len(app.scanner.ignore_list), 1)
+ self.rtree.selected_path = [0, 0] #first dupe of the 3 dupes group
#BOTH the ref and the other dupe should have been added
- self.assertEqual(3,len(app.scanner.ignore_list))
+ eq_(len(app.scanner.ignore_list), 3)
def test_purgeIgnoreList(self):
app = self.app
@@ -339,7 +317,7 @@ class TCDupeGuru(TestCase):
app = self.app
app.scanner.ignore_list.Ignore = FakeIgnore
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(r2np([2])) #The dupe of the second, 2 sized group
+ self.rtree.selected_path = [1, 0]
@@ -363,11 +341,13 @@ class TCDupeGuru_renameSelected(TestCase):
self.groups = groups
self.p = p
self.files = files
+ self.rtree_gui = CallLogger()
+ self.rtree = ResultTree(self.rtree_gui, self.app)
def test_simple(self):
app = self.app
g = self.groups[0]
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(r2np([0]))
+ self.rtree.selected_path = [0, 0]
assert app.RenameSelected('renamed')
names = io.listdir(self.p)
assert 'renamed' in names
@@ -377,7 +357,7 @@ class TCDupeGuru_renameSelected(TestCase):
def test_none_selected(self):
app = self.app
g = self.groups[0]
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths([])
+ self.rtree.selected_paths = []
self.mock(logging, 'warning', log_calls(lambda msg: None))
assert not app.RenameSelected('renamed')
msg = logging.warning.calls[0]['msg']
@@ -390,7 +370,7 @@ class TCDupeGuru_renameSelected(TestCase):
def test_name_already_exists(self):
app = self.app
g = self.groups[0]
- app.SelectPowerMarkerNodePaths(r2np([0]))
+ self.rtree.selected_path = [0, 0]
self.mock(logging, 'warning', log_calls(lambda msg: None))
assert not app.RenameSelected('foo bar 1')
msg = logging.warning.calls[0]['msg']