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<span>Documentation dupeGuru 4.0.3</span></a></h1>
<h2 class="heading"><span>Re-Prioritizing duplicates</span></h2>
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<h1>Re-Prioritizing duplicates<a class="headerlink" href="#re-prioritizing-duplicates" title="Lien permanent vers ce titre"></a></h1>
<p>dupeGuru tries to automatically determine which duplicate should go in each groups reference
position, but sometimes it gets it wrong. In many cases, clever dupe sorting with «&nbsp;Delta Values&nbsp;»
and «&nbsp;Dupes Only&nbsp;» options in addition to the «&nbsp;Make Selected into Reference&nbsp;» action does the trick,
but sometimes, a more powerful option is needed. This is where the Re-Prioritization dialog comes
into play. You can summon it through the «&nbsp;Re-Prioritize Results&nbsp;» item in the «&nbsp;Actions&nbsp;» menu.</p>
<p>This dialog allows you to select criteria according to which a reference dupe will be selected in
each dupe group. The list of available criteria is on the left and the list of criteria youve
selected is on the right.</p>
<p>A criteria is a category followed by an argument. For example, «&nbsp;Size (Highest)&nbsp;» means that the dupe
with the biggest size will win. «&nbsp;Folder (/foo/bar)&nbsp;» means that dupes in this folder will win. To add
a criterion to the rightmost list, first select a category in the combobox, then select a
subargument in the list below, and then click on the right pointing arrow button.</p>
<p>The order of the list on the right is important (you can re-order items through drag &amp; drop). When
picking a dupe for reference position, the first criterion is used. If theres a tie, the second
criterion is used and so on and so on. For example, if your arguments are «&nbsp;Size (Highest)&nbsp;» and then
«&nbsp;Filename (Doesnt end with a number)&nbsp;», the reference file that will be picked in a group will be
the biggest file, and if two or more files have the same size, the one that has a filename that
doesnt end with a number will be used. When all criteria result in ties, the order in which dupes
previously were in the group will be used.</p>
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