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# Unit Name: dupeguru_pe.app_cocoa
# Created By: Virgil Dupras
# Created On: 2006/11/13
# $Id$
# Copyright 2009 Hardcoded Software (http://www.hardcoded.net)
import os
import os.path as op
import logging
import plistlib
import objc
from Foundation import *
from AppKit import *
from appscript import app, k
from hsutil import job, io
import hsfs as fs
from hsfs import phys
from hsutil import files
from hsutil.str import get_file_ext
from hsutil.path import Path
from hsutil.cocoa import as_fetch
from dupeguru import app_cocoa, directories
from . import data, matchbase
from .cache import string_to_colors, Cache
mainBundle = NSBundle.mainBundle()
PictureBlocks = mainBundle.classNamed_('PictureBlocks')
assert PictureBlocks is not None
class Photo(phys.File):
cls_info_map = {
'size': fs.IT_ATTRS,
'ctime': fs.IT_ATTRS,
'mtime': fs.IT_ATTRS,
'md5': fs.IT_MD5,
'md5partial': fs.IT_MD5,
'dimensions': fs.IT_EXTRA,
def _initialize_info(self,section):
super(Photo, self)._initialize_info(section)
if section == fs.IT_EXTRA:
'dimensions': (0,0),
def _read_info(self,section):
super(Photo, self)._read_info(section)
if section == fs.IT_EXTRA:
size = PictureBlocks.getImageSize_(unicode(self.path))
self._info['dimensions'] = (size.width, size.height)
def get_blocks(self, block_count_per_side):
blocks = PictureBlocks.getBlocksFromImagePath_blockCount_scanArea_(unicode(self.path), block_count_per_side, 0)
except Exception, e:
raise IOError('The reading of "%s" failed with "%s"' % (unicode(self.path), unicode(e)))
if not blocks:
raise IOError('The picture %s could not be read' % unicode(self.path))
return string_to_colors(blocks)
class IPhoto(Photo):
def __init__(self, parent, whole_path):
super(IPhoto, self).__init__(parent, whole_path[-1])
self.whole_path = whole_path
def _build_path(self):
return self.whole_path
def display_path(self):
return super(IPhoto, self)._build_path()
class Directory(phys.Directory):
cls_file_class = Photo
cls_supported_exts = ('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'psd', 'bmp', 'tiff', 'nef', 'cr2')
def _fetch_subitems(self):
subdirs, subfiles = super(Directory,self)._fetch_subitems()
return subdirs, [name for name in subfiles if get_file_ext(name) in self.cls_supported_exts]
class IPhotoLibrary(fs.Directory):
def __init__(self, plistpath):
self.plistpath = plistpath
self.refpath = plistpath[:-1]
# the AlbumData.xml file lives right in the library path
super(IPhotoLibrary, self).__init__(None, 'iPhoto Library')
def _update_photo(self, photo_data):
if photo_data['MediaType'] != 'Image':
photo_path = Path(photo_data['ImagePath'])
subpath = photo_path[len(self.refpath):-1]
subdir = self
for element in subpath:
subdir = subdir[element]
except KeyError:
subdir = fs.Directory(subdir, element)
IPhoto(subdir, photo_path)
except fs.AlreadyExistsError:
# it's possible for 2 entries in the plist to point to the same path. Ignore one of them.
def update(self):
s = open(unicode(self.plistpath)).read()
# There was a case where a guy had 0x10 chars in his plist, causing expat errors on loading
s = s.replace('\x10', '')
plist = plistlib.readPlistFromString(s)
for photo_data in plist['Master Image List'].values():
def force_update(self): # Don't update
class DupeGuruPE(app_cocoa.DupeGuru):
def __init__(self):
app_cocoa.DupeGuru.__init__(self, data, 'dupeguru_pe', appid=5)
self.scanner.match_factory = matchbase.AsyncMatchFactory()
self.directories.dirclass = Directory
self.directories.special_dirclasses[Path('iPhoto Library')] = lambda _, __: self._create_iphoto_library()
p = op.join(self.appdata, 'cached_pictures.db')
self.scanner.match_factory.cached_blocks = Cache(p)
def _create_iphoto_library(self):
ud = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
prefs = ud.persistentDomainForName_('com.apple.iApps')
if 'iPhotoRecentDatabases' not in prefs:
raise directories.InvalidPathError
plisturl = NSURL.URLWithString_(prefs['iPhotoRecentDatabases'][0])
plistpath = Path(plisturl.path())
return IPhotoLibrary(plistpath)
def _do_delete(self, j):
def op(dupe):
return self._do_delete_dupe(dupe)
marked = [dupe for dupe in self.results.dupes if self.results.is_marked(dupe)]
self.path2iphoto = {}
if any(isinstance(dupe, IPhoto) for dupe in marked):
j = j.start_subjob([6, 4], "Probing iPhoto. Don\'t touch it during the operation!")
a = app('iPhoto')
a.select(a.photo_library_album(timeout=0), timeout=0)
photos = as_fetch(a.photo_library_album().photos, k.item)
for photo in j.iter_with_progress(photos):
self.path2iphoto[unicode(photo.image_path(timeout=0))] = photo
j.start_job(self.results.mark_count, "Sending dupes to the Trash")
self.last_op_error_count = self.results.perform_on_marked(op, True)
del self.path2iphoto
def _do_delete_dupe(self, dupe):
if isinstance(dupe, IPhoto):
if unicode(dupe.path) in self.path2iphoto:
photo = self.path2iphoto[unicode(dupe.path)]
a = app('iPhoto')
a.remove(photo, timeout=0)
return True
logging.warning("Could not find photo {0} in iPhoto Library", unicode(dupe.path))
return app_cocoa.DupeGuru._do_delete_dupe(self, dupe)
def _do_load(self, j):
self.directories.load_from_file(op.join(self.appdata, 'last_directories.xml'))
for d in self.directories:
if isinstance(d, IPhotoLibrary):
self.results.load_from_xml(op.join(self.appdata, 'last_results.xml'), self._get_file, j)
def _get_file(self, str_path):
p = Path(str_path)
for d in self.directories:
result = None
if p in d.path:
result = d.find_path(p[d.path:])
if isinstance(d, IPhotoLibrary) and p in d.refpath:
result = d.find_path(p[d.refpath:])
if result is not None:
return result
def add_directory(self, d):
result = app_cocoa.DupeGuru.add_directory(self, d)
if (result == 0) and (d == 'iPhoto Library'):
[iphotolib] = [dir for dir in self.directories if dir.path == d]
return result
def copy_or_move(self, dupe, copy, destination, dest_type):
if isinstance(dupe, IPhoto):
copy = True
return app_cocoa.DupeGuru.copy_or_move(self, dupe, copy, destination, dest_type)
def start_scanning(self):
for directory in self.directories:
if isinstance(directory, IPhotoLibrary):
self.directories.set_state(directory.refpath, directories.STATE_EXCLUDED)
return app_cocoa.DupeGuru.start_scanning(self)
def selected_dupe_path(self):
if not self.selected_dupes:
return None
return self.selected_dupes[0].path
def selected_dupe_ref_path(self):
if not self.selected_dupes:
return None
ref = self.results.get_group_of_duplicate(self.selected_dupes[0]).ref
return ref.path