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2013-06-24 15:20:05 -05:00
# dupeGuru
Initial Update of Windows Packaging (#438) * Update run.py & .gitignore for windows - Update run.py to execute on windows as SIGQUIT is not available. - Update .gitignore to ignore the generate .pyd files Ref #300, #393 * Update package.py for windows Add package_windows back into package.py - Using cx_freeze for freezing installation - Will be using nsis for actual installer Tested with python 3.5 64bit on windows 10 Ref #393 * Update makefile for windows (+2 misc) - Update the makefile to support windows - Use different bin path in virtualenv - Use pyd instead of so files - Tested with Msys2 - Add *.exe to .gitignore - Fix minor format error in package.py Ref #393 * Add requirements-windows Add the requirements-windows.txt - contains cx-Freeze for bundling Ref #393 * Add initial setup.nsi Initial Version of a NSIS installer script - Multi-user install (install for just one or all) - Registers uninstaller (more values need to finish up) - Tested both single and all install / uninstall and works - Still need to add parameters instead of hardcoded values in some spots - Need to clean up vendor folders / keys if empty on uninstall - Need to add the other dupeGuru languages to the language list - Minor cleanup of script needed as well Ref #393 * Update setup.nsi Updates to setup.nsi including: - Defines from CLI - Version information (MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH) - Bits (64 / 32) - SourcePath (if we wanted something other than build) - Added extra defines to move application specifics to one location - Added extra defines for uninstall information - Added calculation of install size - Added switching between 64 and 32 bit contexts (need to verify functionality) - Updated output file naming - Added NSIS supported languages which are also supported by dupeGuru - Added rest of registry keys for uninstall information - Added missing registry key for installType - Added removeing Vendor folder and registry key if empty on uninstall Should be very close to having this installer script ready to integrate into the package.py script if desired. Ref #393 * Update README & requirements-windows Minor update to README to indicate windows is supported. Add PyQt5 to requirements-windows.txt to make installation easier. * Update packaging for windows - Update package.py to integrate NSIS for windows - Update makefile to deal with a few additional windows issues - Add Windows.md to contain specific windows instructions, if we want this can be merged with README.md - Minor formatting update to setup.nsi Ref #393 * Update README & Windows Instructions - Update the README to include a reference to the Windows instructions. - Add some additional notes into Windows Instructions and remove one incorrect command. - Update .gitignore to ignore all permutations of env* to allow for multiple side by side virtual environments (used to build different versions for windows) Ref: #393 * Update Window.md Fix broken python link and move nsis link for consistency. * More Details in Windows.md Update Windows.md including: - Information on compilier requirements for windows - Notes about the windows 10 sdk - Some clarification around some of the steps - Addition of msys2 links Going to review this a bit more to polish it up. Ref #393.
2017-08-28 18:27:17 -05:00
[dupeGuru][dupeguru] is a cross-platform (Linux, OS X, Windows) GUI tool to find duplicate files in
2020-12-29 14:31:36 -06:00
a system. It is written mostly in Python 3 and has the peculiarity of using
2013-12-01 10:26:30 -06:00
[multiple GUI toolkits][cross-toolkit], all using the same core Python code. On OS X, the UI layer
2020-12-29 14:31:36 -06:00
is written in Objective-C and uses Cocoa. On Linux, it is written in Python and uses Qt5.
2013-12-01 10:26:30 -06:00
2021-01-05 23:04:42 -06:00
The Cocoa UI of dupeGuru is hosted in a separate repo: https://github.com/arsenetar/dupeguru-cocoa
## Current status
2015-04-12 14:31:01 -05:00
2020-12-29 14:31:36 -06:00
2020: various bug fixes and small UI improvements have been added. Packaging for MacOS is still a problem.
2015-04-12 14:31:01 -05:00
Still looking for additional help especially with regards to:
2020-12-29 14:31:36 -06:00
* OSX maintenance: reproducing bugs & cocoa version, building package with Cocoa UI.
* Linux maintenance: reproducing bugs, maintaining PPA repository, Debian package.
* Translations: updating missing strings.
* Documentation: keeping it up-to-date.
2016-06-06 16:00:57 -05:00
## Contents of this folder
2013-12-01 10:26:30 -06:00
2015-04-12 14:31:01 -05:00
This folder contains the source for dupeGuru. Its documentation is in `help`, but is also
[available online][documentation] in its built form. Here's how this source tree is organized:
* core: Contains the core logic code for dupeGuru. It's Python code.
* qt: UI code for the Qt toolkit. It's written in Python and uses PyQt.
* images: Images used by the different UI codebases.
* pkg: Skeleton files required to create different packages
* help: Help document, written for Sphinx.
* locale: .po files for localization.
* hscommon: A collection of helpers used across HS applications.
* qtlib: A collection of helpers used across Qt UI codebases of HS applications.
2016-06-06 16:00:57 -05:00
## How to build dupeGuru from source
2021-01-05 23:04:42 -06:00
### Windows & macOS specific additional instructions
Initial Update of Windows Packaging (#438) * Update run.py & .gitignore for windows - Update run.py to execute on windows as SIGQUIT is not available. - Update .gitignore to ignore the generate .pyd files Ref #300, #393 * Update package.py for windows Add package_windows back into package.py - Using cx_freeze for freezing installation - Will be using nsis for actual installer Tested with python 3.5 64bit on windows 10 Ref #393 * Update makefile for windows (+2 misc) - Update the makefile to support windows - Use different bin path in virtualenv - Use pyd instead of so files - Tested with Msys2 - Add *.exe to .gitignore - Fix minor format error in package.py Ref #393 * Add requirements-windows Add the requirements-windows.txt - contains cx-Freeze for bundling Ref #393 * Add initial setup.nsi Initial Version of a NSIS installer script - Multi-user install (install for just one or all) - Registers uninstaller (more values need to finish up) - Tested both single and all install / uninstall and works - Still need to add parameters instead of hardcoded values in some spots - Need to clean up vendor folders / keys if empty on uninstall - Need to add the other dupeGuru languages to the language list - Minor cleanup of script needed as well Ref #393 * Update setup.nsi Updates to setup.nsi including: - Defines from CLI - Version information (MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH) - Bits (64 / 32) - SourcePath (if we wanted something other than build) - Added extra defines to move application specifics to one location - Added extra defines for uninstall information - Added calculation of install size - Added switching between 64 and 32 bit contexts (need to verify functionality) - Updated output file naming - Added NSIS supported languages which are also supported by dupeGuru - Added rest of registry keys for uninstall information - Added missing registry key for installType - Added removeing Vendor folder and registry key if empty on uninstall Should be very close to having this installer script ready to integrate into the package.py script if desired. Ref #393 * Update README & requirements-windows Minor update to README to indicate windows is supported. Add PyQt5 to requirements-windows.txt to make installation easier. * Update packaging for windows - Update package.py to integrate NSIS for windows - Update makefile to deal with a few additional windows issues - Add Windows.md to contain specific windows instructions, if we want this can be merged with README.md - Minor formatting update to setup.nsi Ref #393 * Update README & Windows Instructions - Update the README to include a reference to the Windows instructions. - Add some additional notes into Windows Instructions and remove one incorrect command. - Update .gitignore to ignore all permutations of env* to allow for multiple side by side virtual environments (used to build different versions for windows) Ref: #393 * Update Window.md Fix broken python link and move nsis link for consistency. * More Details in Windows.md Update Windows.md including: - Information on compilier requirements for windows - Notes about the windows 10 sdk - Some clarification around some of the steps - Addition of msys2 links Going to review this a bit more to polish it up. Ref #393.
2017-08-28 18:27:17 -05:00
For windows instructions see the [Windows Instructions](Windows.md).
2021-01-06 12:22:15 -06:00
2021-01-05 23:04:42 -06:00
For macos instructions (qt version) see the [macOS Instructions](macos.md).
Initial Update of Windows Packaging (#438) * Update run.py & .gitignore for windows - Update run.py to execute on windows as SIGQUIT is not available. - Update .gitignore to ignore the generate .pyd files Ref #300, #393 * Update package.py for windows Add package_windows back into package.py - Using cx_freeze for freezing installation - Will be using nsis for actual installer Tested with python 3.5 64bit on windows 10 Ref #393 * Update makefile for windows (+2 misc) - Update the makefile to support windows - Use different bin path in virtualenv - Use pyd instead of so files - Tested with Msys2 - Add *.exe to .gitignore - Fix minor format error in package.py Ref #393 * Add requirements-windows Add the requirements-windows.txt - contains cx-Freeze for bundling Ref #393 * Add initial setup.nsi Initial Version of a NSIS installer script - Multi-user install (install for just one or all) - Registers uninstaller (more values need to finish up) - Tested both single and all install / uninstall and works - Still need to add parameters instead of hardcoded values in some spots - Need to clean up vendor folders / keys if empty on uninstall - Need to add the other dupeGuru languages to the language list - Minor cleanup of script needed as well Ref #393 * Update setup.nsi Updates to setup.nsi including: - Defines from CLI - Version information (MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH) - Bits (64 / 32) - SourcePath (if we wanted something other than build) - Added extra defines to move application specifics to one location - Added extra defines for uninstall information - Added calculation of install size - Added switching between 64 and 32 bit contexts (need to verify functionality) - Updated output file naming - Added NSIS supported languages which are also supported by dupeGuru - Added rest of registry keys for uninstall information - Added missing registry key for installType - Added removeing Vendor folder and registry key if empty on uninstall Should be very close to having this installer script ready to integrate into the package.py script if desired. Ref #393 * Update README & requirements-windows Minor update to README to indicate windows is supported. Add PyQt5 to requirements-windows.txt to make installation easier. * Update packaging for windows - Update package.py to integrate NSIS for windows - Update makefile to deal with a few additional windows issues - Add Windows.md to contain specific windows instructions, if we want this can be merged with README.md - Minor formatting update to setup.nsi Ref #393 * Update README & Windows Instructions - Update the README to include a reference to the Windows instructions. - Add some additional notes into Windows Instructions and remove one incorrect command. - Update .gitignore to ignore all permutations of env* to allow for multiple side by side virtual environments (used to build different versions for windows) Ref: #393 * Update Window.md Fix broken python link and move nsis link for consistency. * More Details in Windows.md Update Windows.md including: - Information on compilier requirements for windows - Notes about the windows 10 sdk - Some clarification around some of the steps - Addition of msys2 links Going to review this a bit more to polish it up. Ref #393.
2017-08-28 18:27:17 -05:00
### Prerequisites
2021-01-05 23:04:42 -06:00
* [Python 3.6+][python]
* PyQt5
2021-01-06 12:22:15 -06:00
### System Setup
When running in a linux based environment the following system packages or equivalents are needed to build:
* python3-pyqt5
* python3-wheel (for hsaudiotag3k)
* python3-venv (only if using a virtual environment)
* python3-dev
* build-essential
2021-01-21 18:49:44 -06:00
Note: On some linux systems pyrcc5 is not put on the path when installing python3-pyqt5, this will cause some issues with the resource files (and icons). It can be checked by running `which pyrcc5`. If there is no result, before building install pyqt5 just into the virtual environment via pip. (It has not been added to the requirement files at this time on linux due to issues caused in the CI builds if this is done.)
2021-01-06 12:22:15 -06:00
To create packages the following are also needed:
* python3-setuptools
* debhelper
2021-01-05 23:04:42 -06:00
### Building with Make
dupeGuru comes with a makefile that can be used to build and run:
$ make && make run
2021-01-05 23:04:42 -06:00
### Building without Make
$ cd <dupeGuru directory>
$ python3 -m venv --system-site-packages ./env
2021-01-06 12:22:15 -06:00
$ source ./env/bin/activate
2021-01-05 23:04:42 -06:00
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python build.py
$ python run.py
### Generating Debian/Ubuntu package
To generate packages the extra requirements in requirements-extra.txt must be installed, the
steps are as follows:
$ cd <dupeGuru directory>
$ python3 -m venv --system-site-packages ./env
2021-01-06 12:22:15 -06:00
$ source ./env/bin/activate
2021-01-05 23:04:42 -06:00
$ pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-extra.txt
$ python build.py --clean
$ python package.py
This can be made a one-liner (once in the directory) as:
$ bash -c "python3 -m venv --system-site-packages env && source env/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-extra.txt && python build.py --clean && python package.py"
2021-01-05 23:04:42 -06:00
## Running tests
2017-01-08 21:34:49 -06:00
The complete test suite is run with [Tox 1.7+][tox]. If you have it installed system-wide, you
don't even need to set up a virtualenv. Just `cd` into the root project folder and run `tox`.
If you don't have Tox system-wide, install it in your virtualenv with `pip install tox` and then
run `tox`.
You can also run automated tests without Tox. Extra requirements for running tests are in
`requirements-extra.txt`. So, you can do `pip install -r requirements-extra.txt` inside your
virtualenv and then `py.test core hscommon`
[dupeguru]: https://dupeguru.voltaicideas.net/
2013-12-01 10:26:30 -06:00
[cross-toolkit]: http://www.hardcoded.net/articles/cross-toolkit-software
[documentation]: http://dupeguru.voltaicideas.net/help/en/
2013-06-24 15:20:05 -05:00
[python]: http://www.python.org/
[pyqt]: http://www.riverbankcomputing.com
2018-02-14 21:42:40 -06:00
[tox]: https://tox.readthedocs.org/en/latest/