mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 10:59:03 +00:00
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415 lines
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Copyright 2017 Virgil Dupras
This software is licensed under the "GPLv3" License as described in the "LICENSE" file,
which should be included with this package. The terms are also available at
#import "ResultWindow.h"
#import "Dialogs.h"
#import "ProgressController.h"
#import "Utils.h"
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "Consts.h"
#import "PrioritizeDialog.h"
@implementation ResultWindow
@synthesize optionsSwitch;
@synthesize optionsToolbarItem;
@synthesize matches;
@synthesize stats;
@synthesize filterField;
- (id)initWithParentApp:(AppDelegate *)aApp;
self = [super initWithWindowNibName:@"ResultWindow"];
[self window];
app = aApp;
model = [app model];
/* Put a cute iTunes-like bottom bar */
[[self window] setContentBorderThickness:28 forEdge:NSMinYEdge];
table = [[ResultTable alloc] initWithPyRef:[model resultTable] view:matches];
statsLabel = [[StatsLabel alloc] initWithPyRef:[model statsLabel] view:stats];
[self initResultColumns:table];
[[table columns] setColumnsAsReadOnly];
[self fillColumnsMenu];
[matches setTarget:self];
[matches setDoubleAction:@selector(openClicked:)];
[self adjustUIToLocalization];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[table release];
[statsLabel release];
[super dealloc];
/* Helpers */
- (void)fillColumnsMenu
[[app columnsMenu] removeAllItems];
NSArray *menuItems = [[[table columns] model] menuItems];
for (NSInteger i=0; i < [menuItems count]; i++) {
NSArray *pair = [menuItems objectAtIndex:i];
NSString *display = [pair objectAtIndex:0];
BOOL marked = n2b([pair objectAtIndex:1]);
NSMenuItem *mi = [[app columnsMenu] addItemWithTitle:display action:@selector(toggleColumn:) keyEquivalent:@""];
[mi setTarget:self];
[mi setState:marked ? NSOnState : NSOffState];
[mi setTag:i];
[[app columnsMenu] addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
NSMenuItem *mi = [[app columnsMenu] addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Reset to Default", @"")
action:@selector(resetColumnsToDefault:) keyEquivalent:@""];
[mi setTarget:self];
- (void)updateOptionSegments
[optionsSwitch setSelected:[[app detailsPanel] isVisible] forSegment:0];
[optionsSwitch setSelected:[table powerMarkerMode] forSegment:1];
[optionsSwitch setSelected:[table deltaValuesMode] forSegment:2];
- (void)adjustUIToLocalization
NSString *lang = [[NSBundle preferredLocalizationsFromArray:[[NSBundle mainBundle] localizations]] objectAtIndex:0];
NSInteger seg1delta = 0;
NSInteger seg2delta = 0;
if ([lang isEqual:@"ru"]) {
seg2delta = 20;
else if ([lang isEqual:@"uk"]) {
seg2delta = 20;
else if ([lang isEqual:@"hy"]) {
seg1delta = 20;
if (seg1delta || seg2delta) {
[optionsSwitch setWidth:[optionsSwitch widthForSegment:0]+seg1delta forSegment:0];
[optionsSwitch setWidth:[optionsSwitch widthForSegment:1]+seg2delta forSegment:1];
NSSize s = [optionsToolbarItem maxSize];
s.width += seg1delta + seg2delta;
[optionsToolbarItem setMaxSize:s];
[optionsToolbarItem setMinSize:s];
- (void)initResultColumns:(ResultTable *)aTable
NSInteger appMode = [app getAppMode];
if (appMode == AppModePicture) {
HSColumnDef defs[] = {
{@"marked", 26, 26, 26, YES, [NSButtonCell class]},
{@"name", 162, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"folder_path", 142, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"size", 63, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"extension", 40, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"dimensions", 73, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"exif_timestamp", 120, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"mtime", 120, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"percentage", 58, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"dupe_count", 80, 16, 0, YES, nil},
[[aTable columns] initializeColumns:defs];
NSTableColumn *c = [[aTable view] tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"marked"];
[[c dataCell] setButtonType:NSSwitchButton];
[[c dataCell] setControlSize:NSSmallControlSize];
c = [[aTable view] tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"size"];
[[c dataCell] setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
else if (appMode == AppModeMusic) {
HSColumnDef defs[] = {
{@"marked", 26, 26, 26, YES, [NSButtonCell class]},
{@"name", 235, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"folder_path", 120, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"size", 63, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"duration", 50, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"bitrate", 50, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"samplerate", 60, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"extension", 40, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"mtime", 120, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"title", 120, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"artist", 120, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"album", 120, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"genre", 80, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"year", 40, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"track", 40, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"comment", 120, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"percentage", 57, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"words", 120, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"dupe_count", 80, 16, 0, YES, nil},
[[aTable columns] initializeColumns:defs];
NSTableColumn *c = [[aTable view] tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"marked"];
[[c dataCell] setButtonType:NSSwitchButton];
[[c dataCell] setControlSize:NSSmallControlSize];
c = [[aTable view] tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"size"];
[[c dataCell] setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
c = [[aTable view] tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"duration"];
[[c dataCell] setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
c = [[aTable view] tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"bitrate"];
[[c dataCell] setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
else {
HSColumnDef defs[] = {
{@"marked", 26, 26, 26, YES, [NSButtonCell class]},
{@"name", 195, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"folder_path", 183, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"size", 63, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"extension", 40, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"mtime", 120, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"percentage", 60, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"words", 120, 16, 0, YES, nil},
{@"dupe_count", 80, 16, 0, YES, nil},
[[aTable columns] initializeColumns:defs];
NSTableColumn *c = [[aTable view] tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"marked"];
[[c dataCell] setButtonType:NSSwitchButton];
[[c dataCell] setControlSize:NSSmallControlSize];
c = [[aTable view] tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"size"];
[[c dataCell] setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
[[aTable columns] restoreColumns];
/* Actions */
- (IBAction)changeOptions:(id)sender
NSInteger seg = [optionsSwitch selectedSegment];
if (seg == 0) {
[self toggleDetailsPanel:sender];
else if (seg == 1) {
[self togglePowerMarker:sender];
else if (seg == 2) {
[self toggleDelta:sender];
- (IBAction)copyMarked:(id)sender
NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[model setRemoveEmptyFolders:n2b([ud objectForKey:@"removeEmptyFolders"])];
[model setCopyMoveDestType:n2i([ud objectForKey:@"recreatePathType"])];
[model copyMarked];
- (IBAction)trashMarked:(id)sender
NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[model setRemoveEmptyFolders:n2b([ud objectForKey:@"removeEmptyFolders"])];
[model deleteMarked];
- (IBAction)exportToXHTML:(id)sender
[model exportToXHTML];
- (IBAction)exportToCSV:(id)sender
[model exportToCSV];
- (IBAction)filter:(id)sender
NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[model setEscapeFilterRegexp:!n2b([ud objectForKey:@"useRegexpFilter"])];
[model applyFilter:[filterField stringValue]];
- (IBAction)focusOnFilterField:(id)sender
[[self window] makeFirstResponder:filterField];
- (IBAction)ignoreSelected:(id)sender
[model addSelectedToIgnoreList];
- (IBAction)invokeCustomCommand:(id)sender
[model invokeCustomCommand];
- (IBAction)markAll:(id)sender
[model markAll];
- (IBAction)markInvert:(id)sender
[model markInvert];
- (IBAction)markNone:(id)sender
[model markNone];
- (IBAction)markSelected:(id)sender
[model toggleSelectedMark];
- (IBAction)moveMarked:(id)sender
NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[model setRemoveEmptyFolders:n2b([ud objectForKey:@"removeEmptyFolders"])];
[model setCopyMoveDestType:n2i([ud objectForKey:@"recreatePathType"])];
[model moveMarked];
- (IBAction)openClicked:(id)sender
if ([matches clickedRow] < 0) {
[matches selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:[matches clickedRow]] byExtendingSelection:NO];
[model openSelected];
- (IBAction)openSelected:(id)sender
[model openSelected];
- (IBAction)removeMarked:(id)sender
[model removeMarked];
- (IBAction)removeSelected:(id)sender
[model removeSelected];
- (IBAction)renameSelected:(id)sender
NSInteger col = [matches columnWithIdentifier:@"name"];
NSInteger row = [matches selectedRow];
[matches editColumn:col row:row withEvent:[NSApp currentEvent] select:YES];
- (IBAction)reprioritizeResults:(id)sender
PrioritizeDialog *dlg = [[PrioritizeDialog alloc] initWithApp:model];
NSInteger result = [NSApp runModalForWindow:[dlg window]];
if (result == NSRunStoppedResponse) {
[[dlg model] performReprioritization];
[dlg release];
[[self window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
- (IBAction)resetColumnsToDefault:(id)sender
[[[table columns] model] resetToDefaults];
[self fillColumnsMenu];
- (IBAction)revealSelected:(id)sender
[model revealSelected];
- (IBAction)saveResults:(id)sender
NSSavePanel *sp = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
[sp setCanCreateDirectories:YES];
[sp setAllowedFileTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"dupeguru"]];
[sp setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Select a file to save your results to", @"")];
if ([sp runModal] == NSOKButton) {
[model saveResultsAs:[[sp URL] path]];
[[app recentResults] addFile:[[sp URL] path]];
- (IBAction)switchSelected:(id)sender
[model makeSelectedReference];
- (IBAction)toggleColumn:(id)sender
NSMenuItem *mi = sender;
BOOL checked = [[[table columns] model] toggleMenuItem:[mi tag]];
[mi setState:checked ? NSOnState : NSOffState];
- (IBAction)toggleDetailsPanel:(id)sender
[[app detailsPanel] toggleVisibility];
[self updateOptionSegments];
- (IBAction)toggleDelta:(id)sender
[table setDeltaValuesMode:![table deltaValuesMode]];
[self updateOptionSegments];
- (IBAction)togglePowerMarker:(id)sender
[table setPowerMarkerMode:![table powerMarkerMode]];
[self updateOptionSegments];
- (IBAction)toggleQuicklookPanel:(id)sender
if ([QLPreviewPanel sharedPreviewPanelExists] && [[QLPreviewPanel sharedPreviewPanel] isVisible]) {
[[QLPreviewPanel sharedPreviewPanel] orderOut:nil];
else {
[[QLPreviewPanel sharedPreviewPanel] makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
/* Quicklook */
- (BOOL)acceptsPreviewPanelControl:(QLPreviewPanel *)panel;
return YES;
- (void)beginPreviewPanelControl:(QLPreviewPanel *)panel
// This document is now responsible of the preview panel
// It is allowed to set the delegate, data source and refresh panel.
previewPanel = [panel retain];
panel.delegate = table;
panel.dataSource = table;
- (void)endPreviewPanelControl:(QLPreviewPanel *)panel
// This document loses its responsisibility on the preview panel
// Until the next call to -beginPreviewPanelControl: it must not
// change the panel's delegate, data source or refresh it.
[previewPanel release];
previewPanel = nil;
- (BOOL)validateToolbarItem:(NSToolbarItem *)theItem
return ![[ProgressController mainProgressController] isShown];
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)item
if ([item action] == @selector(markAll)) {
[item setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Mark All", @"")];
return ![[ProgressController mainProgressController] isShown];