# Github Enforced safe: true lsi: false #General timezone: US/Central encoding: utf-8 url: https://blog.voltaicideas.net # Excludes exclude: [ 'README.md', 'Gemfile', 'Gemfile.lock', 'CNAME', 'assets/css', 'assets/js', 'assets/node_modules', 'assets/gulpfile.js', 'assets/package.json', ] # Code highlighting highlighter: pygments # links permalink: date # Markdown markdown: redcarpet redcarpet: smart: true extensions: [ 'no_intra_emphasis', 'tables', 'disable_indented_code_blocks', 'strikethrough', 'superscript', 'underline', 'highlight' ] # Defaults for the front matter defaults: - scope: path: "" # all files values: layout: "post" - scope: path: "" type: "posts" # all posts values: layout: "post" - scope: path: "" type: "pages" values: layout: "page" # Extra Variables for the templates owner: name: Andrew Senetar email: arsenetar@gmail.com title: Blog@VoltaicIdeas