2013-07-29 11:29:57 -04:00
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< h1 > < a href = "http://blog.voltaicideas.net/pelican-red.html" rel = "bookmark" > Pelican-Red< / a > < / h1 >
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< header > < h1 > Pelican-Red< / h1 > < / header >
< p > pelican-red is a theme for the pelican static website generator with lots of stuff and< / p >
< p > more stuff and more stuff and more stuff and more stuff and more stuff and more and more all the stuff still going... < / p >
< p > and still going some more...< / p >
< p > and some more here as well< / p >
< p > more words, and more and more and more and more< / p >
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