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159 lines
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if ( ! defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )
* A code highlighter using the prismjs.com code highlighter
* @file
* @link http://
* @ingroup Extensions
* @author Andrew Senetar <arsenetar@gmail.com>
* @copyright (c) 2013 by Andrew Senetar
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License
$wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(
'path' => __FILE__,
'name' => 'PrismHighlight',
'version' => 0.1,
'author' => 'Andrew Senetar',
//'url' => 'http://',
'descriptionmsg' =>'prismhighlight-desc',
* Configuration variables for the extension
// Default languages to load
if (! isset($wgPrismHighlightLanguages)) {
$wgPrismHighlightLanguages = array(
// List of plugins to load (none by default)
// autolinker does not appear to work nor does show-invisibles
// line-number and line-highlight should not be used together since it breaks visual
if (! isset($wgPrismHighlightPlugins)) {
$wgPrismHighlightPlugins = array(
// Allow highlighting source tags
if (! isset($wgPrismHighlightSource)) {
$wgPrismHighlightSource = true;
// The theme to use (false for default)
if (! isset($wgPrismHighlightTheme)) {
$wgPrismHighlightTheme = false;
// Build the list for the js includes
function efPrismHighlight_Scripts() {
global $wgPrismHighlightPlugins, $wgPrismHighlightLanguages;
// some languages depend on others
$plugin_deps = array(
'bash' => 'clike',
'c' => 'clike',
'coffeescript' => 'javascript',
'cpp' => 'c',
'groovy' => 'clike',
'java' => 'clike',
'javascript' => 'clike',
'php' => 'clike',
'scss' => 'css',
// make sure all needed languages are loaded
$langs = $wgPrismHighlightLanguages;
foreach($langs as $lang ){
if( array_key_exists( $lang, $plugin_deps ) )
$langs[] = $plugin_deps[$lang];
// remove duplicates order matters...
$langs = array_unique( array_reverse( $langs ) );
// load plugins
foreach( $wgPrismHighlightPlugins as $plugin )
$scripts[] = "prism/plugins/prism-$plugin.js";
// load languages
foreach( $langs as $lang )
$scripts[] = "prism/components/prism-$lang.js";
return $scripts;
// build list of styles to include
function efPrismHighlight_Styles() {
global $wgPrismHighlightPlugins, $wgPrismHighlightTheme;
// stop mediawiki from causing problems
$styles[] = 'overrides.css';
// load the theme or not
if( $wgPrismHighlightTheme != false )
$styles[] = "prism/themes/prism-$wgPrismHighlightTheme.css";
$styles[] = "prism/prism.css";
// load plugin styles
foreach($wgPrismHighlightPlugins as $plugin)
$styles[] = "prism/plugins/prism-$plugin.css";
return $styles;
* Setup for the extension
$wgAutoloadClasses['PrismHighlight'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/PrismHighlight.base.php';
$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['PrismHighlight'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/PrismHighlight.i18n.php';
* Resource Modules
// styles and scripts to load after core is in place
$wgResourceModules['ext.PrismHighlight'] = array(
'localBasePath' => dirname(__FILE__),
'remoteExtPath' => 'PrismHighlight',
'styles' => efPrismHighlight_Styles(),
'scripts' => efPrismHighlight_Scripts(),
'dependencies' => 'ext.PrismHighlight.core',
// the core
$wgResourceModules['ext.PrismHighlight.core'] = array(
'localBasePath' => dirname(__FILE__),
'remoteExtPath' => 'PrismHighlight',
'scripts' => array( 'prism/prism-core.js', 'init.js' ),
* Hooks
// Register parser hook
$wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'efPrismHighlight_Setup';
// Register before display hook to load css / js files
$wgHooks['BeforePageDisplay'][] = 'PrismHighlight::beforePageDisplay';
* Register parser hook
function efPrismHighlight_Setup( &$parser ) {
global $wgPrismHighlightSource;
if( $wgPrismHighlightSource)
$parser->setHook('source', array('PrismHighlight', 'parserHook'));
$parser->setHook('syntaxhighlight', array('PrismHighlight', 'parserHook'));
return true;